J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (12): 52-56.

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Prime fuzzy ⊙ideals and its topological properties of
regular residuated lattices

LIU Chun-hui1,2   

  1. 1. Office of Academic Affairs,  Chifeng University, Chifeng 024001, Inner Mongolia, China;
    2. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Chifeng University, Chifeng 024001, Inner Mongolia, China
  • Received:2013-07-09 Online:2013-12-20 Published:2014-01-09


We deeply study the theory of fuzzy ⊙ideals in regular residuated lattices by using the notion of fuzzy set and its operations which proposed by Zadeh. Firstly, the notion of prime fuzzy ⊙ideals is introduced and its properties are studied. And the prime fuzzy ⊙ideals theorem is established. Secondly, a topology T is constructed on the set of all prime fuzzy ⊙ideals PI⊙(L). It is proved that the topology space (PI⊙(L), T) is T0space.

Key words: fuzzy logic; regular residuated lattice; prime fuzzy ⊙ideal; topological space

CLC Number: 

  • O141.1
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