Properties of power-number operators in the functional space of discrete time normal martingale
- ZHOU Yulan, WEI Wanying, LIU Cuicui, YANG Qingqing
2025, 60(2):
27 )
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A class of densely defined self-adjoint linear operator aN is introduced in the functional space L2(M)of normal martingale square-integrable, where a is a positive number, and N is the number operator in L2(M), aN is called the a-level power-number operator of N. Firstly, the analytical properties of aN are discussed: a sufficient and necessary condition that aN is bounded is given, and in this case, {aN; 0<a≤1} are unit operator on L2(M). Secondly, aN is compact operator if and only if 0<a<1; the construction and the spectrum of {aN; a>0} are discussed: {an; a>0} is the spectrum of aN and all of its eigenvector forms an orthonormal basis of L2(M), 1 is the unique spectrum of {aN; a>0} and the vacuum Z is the unique common eigenvector of 1. And then the dependence of aN on a is discussed. Finally, a uniform convergence sequence of aN for a∈(0,1)and a strong convergence sequence of aN is constructed when a>1 by means of the quantum Bernoulli noise indexed by Γ.