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Uniform integrability of sequences of fuzzy valued functions

LI Yanhong   

  1. Department of Mathematics, Teacher’s College,Easten Liaoning University, Dandong 118003, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2008-09-18 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-01-24 Published:2010-04-15
  • Contact: LI Yanhong

Abstract: By the introduction of a new multiplying operator, fuzzy valued integrals were defined to aim at fuzzy valued functions. On this basis the necessary and sufficient conditions to the uniform integrability of sequences of fuzzy valued functions were given, and the implication relations between uniform integrability of sequences of fuzzy valued functions and the uniformly boundedness of the their fuzzy valued integrals were studied.

Key words: pseudomultiplication operator, fuzzy valued functions, fuzzy valued integrals, uniform integrability, uniform boundedness

CLC Number: 

  • O159
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