JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (11): 100-109, 125.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2023.457

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A petroleum multi-refinery production optimization method based on successive linear programming

Fenglian DONG1,2(),Fengsheng ZHANG3,Zhiwei WEI1,2,Xin SUN1,2,Yuewen LI4   

  1. 1. PetroChina Planning and Engineering Institute, Beijing 100086, China
    2. CNPC Laboratory of Oil & Gas Business Chain Optimization, Beijing 100083, China
    3. CNPC PetroChina Production & Business Management Department, Beijing 100007, China
    4. Shanshu Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100102, China
  • Received:2023-10-26 Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-11-29


To enhance the profitability of integrated oil companies and address the optimization problem of multi-refinery production planning with integer variables and non-convex bilinear constraints, we established an optimization model for multi-refinery production planning using operations research methods by holistically optimizing the allocation of crude oil among multiple refineries, the load of each refinery's units, and the product slate. We proposed a solution method for mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) based on successive linear programming (SLP) and introduced a branching strategy tailored to business characteristics, enabling the solution process to converge rapidly and provide high-quality solutions. Validation analysis using actual data from a petroleum enterprise demonstrated that the proposed algorithm offered advantages in both the model's objective value and solution efficiency.

Key words: multi-refinery, production planning, mixed integer nonlinear programming, successive linear programming, branching strategy

CLC Number: 

  • O221.2


Refinery production process flowchart"


Illustration of integrated operation of upstream and downstream of comprehensive petroleum and petrochemical companies"

Table 1

Definition of sets"

集合符号 含义   集合符号 含义
N 节点   EmI 可加工m物料的装置
NR 炼厂型节点 EmO 可产出m物料的装置
NF 非炼厂型节点 M 物料
E 装置 Me 装置e进料
ED 调和池 M(m, m′) 可以产出物料m的进物料m
EG 常压装置 MeI 进入装置e的物料
EH 减压装置 MZ 总部物料
EU 二次加工装置 Q 物性

Table 2

Definition of parameters"

参数符号 含义
Cr, mP r炼厂原料采购价格, rNR, mM
Cr, mS r炼厂产品销售价格, rNR, mM
Cn, zP n节点原料采购价格, nN, zMZ
Cn, zS n节点产品销售价格, nN, MZ
Cn, n′, z n节点到n′节点运输物料z的单位运费, nN, n′∈N, MZ
Ar, e, q, m′, m r炼厂二次加工装置e的进料m′将物性q传递给出料m的系数, rNReEU, qQ, m′∈Me, mM
Br, e, q, m′, m r炼厂二次加工装置e的进料m′将物性q传递给出料m的偏置, rNReEU, qQ, m′∈Me, mM
αr, e, m′, m r炼厂装置e加工物料m′产出物料m的收率, rNR, eE, m′∈Me, mM
βr, m, qγr, m, q 炼厂r中物料mq物性上、下限, rNR, mM, qQ
βr, mPγr, mP 炼厂r中物料m的采购量上、下限, rNR, mM
βr, mSγr, mS 炼厂r中物料m的销售量上、下限, rNR, mM
βr, mVγr, mV 炼厂r中物料m的期末库存上、下限, rNR, mM
βr, eγr, e 炼厂r装置e的加工能力上、下限, rNR, eE
βn, zPγn, zP 节点n中物料z的采购量上、下限, nN, MZ
βn, zSγn, zS 节点n中物料z的销售量上、下限, nN, MZ
βn, zVγn, zV 节点n中物料z的期末库存上、下限, nN, zMZ
βn, nγn, n 节点n到节点n′的运输量上、下限, nN, n′∈N

Table 3

Definition of variables"

变量符号 含义
xr, e, m 炼厂r装置e中物料m的进(出)量, rNR, eE, mM
xr, mP 炼厂r物料m的进厂量, rNR, mM
xr, mS 炼厂r物料m的出厂量, rNR, mM
xr, mOPEN 炼厂r中物料m的期初库存, rNR, mM
xr, mCLOSE 炼厂r中物料m的期末库存, rNR, mM
xr, m, q 炼厂r物料mq物性值, rNR, mM, qQ
wr, e 炼厂r装置e启停(0-1变量), rNR, eE
xr, e 炼厂r装置e的加工量, rNR, eE
yn, zP 节点n中物料z的采购量, nN, zMZ
yn, zS 节点n中物料z的销售量, nN, zMZ
yn, zOPEN 节点n中物料z的期初库存, nN, zMZ
yn, zCLOSE 节点n中物料z的期末库存, nN, zMZ
yn, n′, z 节点n到节点n′运输物料z的量, nN, n′∈N, zMZ


Algorithm flowchart"

Table 4

Assignment of model instances"

1 3 854 37 128 7 7 113
2 5 1 400 37 212 11 11 185

Table 5

Description of models"

算例 变量个数 约束个数 整数变量个数 非线性约束个数
1 18 212 8 614 78 3 070
2 28 933 13 556 96 4 764

Table 6

Performance of different algorithms"

算例Baron 人工方法+SLP 本文算法
最优目标值 时间/s 最优目标值 时间/s 最优目标值 时间/s
1 >7 200   152 985.30 30   157 980.32 1 825
2 >7 200 192 352.61 55 201 632.70 3 263

Table 7

Comparsion of results of differnet algorithms on Instance 1"

算法 关停装置原油MC的分配方案(单位:万吨)
炼厂1 炼厂2 炼厂3 合计
人工方法+SLP 炼厂1的第一套常压、第一套减压、第二套柴油加氢精制、渣油加氢,共4套装置 0 30.9 39.1 70.0
本文算法 炼厂2的第二套常压、第二套减压、第二套催化裂化、第二套气体分馏,炼厂1的渣油加氢,共5套装置 19.5 0 50.5 70.0

Table 8

Comparsion of results of differnet algorithms on Instance 2"

算法 关停装置汽油生产方案(单位:万吨)
炼厂4 炼厂5 炼厂6 炼厂7 炼厂8 合计
人工方法+SLP 炼厂7的第一套常压、第一套减压、第一套催化裂化,共3套装置 22.1 15.8 20.4 12.5 19.2 90.0
本文算法 炼厂6的第一套常压、第一套减压、第二套催化裂化、烷基化,炼厂8的第三套催化裂化,共5套装置 22.1 15.8 14.2 20.8 17.1 90.0

Table 9

Number of branchings and solving time for different branching strategies"

算例EG-EH-EU EG-EU-EH EH-EG-EU Strong Branching
分支次数 求解时间/s 分支次数 求解时间/s 分支次数 求解时间/s 分支次数 求解时间/s
1 381 1 825   425 2 104   382 1 843   434 2 142
2 511 3 263 616 4 037 552 3 516 593 3 962

Table 10

Comparison of solution time for different trust domain control policies 单位: s"

算例 只对物性变量进行信赖域控制 对全部变量进行信赖域控制
1 1 825 1 922
2 3 263 3 434
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