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The advertisement spam image filtering method based on image content

XU Yang-yang,YUAN Hua   

  1. Guangdong Computer Network Key Laboratory in South China University of Technology,
  • Received:2006-03-29 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-10-24 Published:2006-10-24
  • Contact: XU Yang-yang

Abstract: In recent years, the problem of spam email becomes more and more serious. To shield from the textbased spam filters, the senders of spam embed text into image and then more and more spam images appear in emails. To solve this problem, the advertisement spam image filtering method based on image content is brought forward. Firstly, the text areas are extracted from the image, and then the features of these text areas are used to filter the spam images. The result of the experiment shows that the method is effective.

Key words: the image filtering based on image content , advertisement spam image, extracting the text area

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