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    20 July 2018
    Volume 53 Issue 7
    Mitochondrial pyruvate carrier3 mediates abscisic acid-regulated stomatal closure and the drought response
    SHEN Jian-lin, CHEN Dong-hua
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  1-6.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2018.054
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    Terrestrial plants have developed diverse mechanisms to save water especially in response to drought, and abscisic acid(ABA)is an essential phytohormone which could be induced by drought and promote stomatal closing to prohibit water loss as transpiration. Pyruvate is the product of glycolysis generated in cytosol, and could be transported by mitochondrial pyruvate carriers(MPCs)into mitochondrion for consequent cellular metabolism. The previous studies have shown that MPCs were involved in plant drought response. In the current study, we found that the functional null mutant of AtMPC3 was hypersensitive to ABA-induced stomatal closing to reduce water loss, and thus to facilitate the plant to survive the water deficiency. Our findings revealed the essential roles of AtMPC3 in ABA-promoted stomatal closing and plant drought resistance. These findings provide theoretical guidance to develop water-use-efficiency and high-yield modern agriculture.
    Effects of Piriformospora indica on growth and root morphology of Pinus thunbergii seedlings
    ZHOU Xiao-ying, LIANG Yu, DONG Zhi, LI Hong-li, ZHANG Meng-xuan, HAN Xiu-feng, FAN Xiao-li, FANG Yong
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  7-14.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2018.019
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    In order to study the dynamic effects of Piriformospora indica on the growth and root morphology of Pinus thunbergii seedlings, we studied the effects of Piriformospora indica on the growth and root architecture, and root fractal dimension of Pinus thunbergii seedlings. The results showed that the promoting effect of Piriformospora indica on the growth of underground roots was earlier than that on aboveground parts, and the effect was significantly higher than aboveground parts. 15 to 30 days after Piriformospora indica was inoculated, the inoculation seem to have little effect on aboveground parts, but the promotion effect on root was obvious, while the aerial part had significant growth effect on the 60th day. Inoculation of Piriformospora indica can increase the above-ground and root biomass, and also significantly improve root length, branch number, surface area, volume and other configuration parameters and root fractal dimension, and promote the growth of Pinus thunbergii.
    Optimal control of forest evolution system in polluted environment
    CAO Xue-jing, LUO Zhi-xue
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  15-20.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2017.578
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    The optimal control problem of a forest evolution system in polluted environment was discussed. Firstly, the model was proposed and the existence and uniqueness of the solution were proved by Banach fixed point theorem. Then, the unique solution of the optimal control is obtained according to the properties of convex functional and Mazur lemma.
    Optimal control for inputting rate of a size-structure competitive system
    SHEN Liu-xiao, ZHAO Chun
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  21-29.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2017.604
    Abstract ( 1304 )   PDF (428KB) ( 481 )   Save
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    Inputting rate control problems of a size-structure competitive system is studied in this paper. First of all, the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the competitive system are proved with the help of the fixed point theorem. Then by using characteristic method, the continuous dependence of solution on control variable is obtained. Secondly, the existence and uniqueness of the optimal control are discussed by Ekeland variational principle. Finally, the necessary conditions of the optimal control are established by the conception of tangent and normal cone.
    Study of dynamic of a discrete host-parasitoid model
    LIU Hua, YE Yong, WEI Yu-mei, YANG Peng, MA Ming, YE Jian-hua, MA Ya-lei
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  30-38.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2018.018
    Abstract ( 1925 )   PDF (2085KB) ( 1020 )   Save
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    A host-parasitoid model with Allee effect and Holling Ⅲ functional response function was established, and the local stability and persistence of equilibria was discussed. The influence of the Allee effect on the dynamic behavior of the model is simulated by the computer simulation and the intrinsic growth rate r as the parameter of the bifurcation diagram. We found that the introduction of Allee effect will accelerate the extinction of population in the model with both Allee effect and Holling Ⅲ functional response. When the system is strong Allee, the chaotic dynamics of the system will be reduced.
    A meet-in-the-middle attack on 10-round AES-128
    XU Li-dong, WANG Ming-qiang
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  39-45.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2017.465
    Abstract ( 1674 )   PDF (666KB) ( 1062 )   Save
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    Some relationship between different adjacent round keys of AES-128 was discovered. Combining this relationship with the principle of the 5-round distinguisher presented by Hüseyin Demirci and Ali Aydın Selçuk in 2008, an 8-round distinguisher was proposed. Based on this distinguisher, a meet-in-the-middle attack on 10-round AES-128 was designed. And, this distinguisher can save a considerable memory space in the precomputation step.
    Process active dynamic measurement method for Windows environment
    ZHANG Jian-biao, LI Zhi-gang, LIU Guo-jie, WANG Chao, WANG Wei
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  46-50.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.2.2017.276
    Abstract ( 1609 )   PDF (670KB) ( 695 )   Save
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    A process dynamic measurement method for Windows environment based on the classification of malicious behavior of Windows user mode is proposed. Existing trusted metric benchmark values are acquired through process execution streams and cannot be immune to hook attacks when loaded. By comparing and analyzing the baseline value of the process memory image and executable stream, the method is used to determine whether the process is subjected to malicious attack, which can automatically repair the content tampered by the malicious program and ensure the normal execution of the process.
    A secure clustering algorithm of Ad Hoc network for colony UAVs
    CUI Zhao-yang, SUN Jia-qi, XU Song-yan, JIANG Xin
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  51-59.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.2.2017.258
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    Colony UAVs Ad Hoc network has a large number of high speed nodes, and clustered network topology is suitable for use; a secure clustering algorithm is the base of the security of cluster structure Ad Hoc network. The characteristics and requirements for secure clustering algorithm of colony UAVs Ad Hoc network are analyzed. A secure clustering algorithm for colony UAVs Ad Hoc network is proposed. The algorithm combined cryptography and trust mechanisms to guarantee the information safety in the process of network clustering and select a cluster head with higher credibility, it is proved that it has high security and feasibility by analysis.
    Design of anti-eavesdropping code based on fountain codes
    LIU Zheng, NIU Fang-lin, QIAN Da-xing, CAI Xi-biao, GUO Ying
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  60-64.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.2.2017.025
    Abstract ( 1514 )   PDF (703KB) ( 579 )   Save
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    An anti-eavesdropping method with the fountain codes embedded in the physical layer is introduced to aim at the security of wireless communication. The artificial noise is used to damage the rule in MP decoding of fountain codes and make it more difficult to steal information on the premise of ensuring the communication security of the main channel. The experimental result shows that, under the condition of a small amount of artificial interference noise, this method can increase the BER of the eavesdropper by 30% to 50%, the purpose of preventing eavesdropping is to be achieved.
    Secure storage addressing algorithm for large data based on quantum radiation field
    LIU Li-zhao, YU Jia-ping, LIU Jian, LI Jun-yi, HAN Shao-bing, XU Hua-rong, LIN Huai-chuan, ZHU Shun-zhi
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  65-74.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.2.2017.304
    Abstract ( 1555 )   PDF (893KB) ( 500 )   Save
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    Big data storage processes are faced with increasing threats, and traditional data storage algorithms are difficult to effectively deal with these new threats. Beginning with the relationship between quantum mechanics and quantum genetic, based on that the reversible process of mathematical functions and a computer program are built as the software environment for large-scale quantum secure storage of data streams, they are constructed of iterative quantum radiation and quantum genetic. Then, under the mapping relationship between quantum mechanics and quantum inheritance, the definition and interaction of quantum chromosomes are realized through the calculation of quantum bits and quantum revolving gates. The interaction of quantum chromosome is achieved through the interaction of quantum attraction and quantum repulsion, and quantum is realized. The main measure of chromosomes dynamic processes is calculated by the superposition of gravitational and repulsive forces. Then use the quantum gravity and repulsion to guide the dynamic storage addressing of the stream date and the stacking process and path. Then the bi-level date storage process is bi-directionally mapped to the quantum radiation field and quantum space domain problems, and the secure storage path and storage address are obtained.
    Multi-authority and revocable attribute-based encryption scheme
    LI Yan-ping, QI Yan-jiao, ZHANG Kai, WEI Xu-guang
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  75-84.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2017.399
    Abstract ( 1395 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 819 )   Save
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    Most of the existing attribute-based encryption schemes are based on a single authority. That is, there is only one authority in the system to issue the key to the user. The curious authority will speculate the user's identity, occupation and other private information by the user's attributes. In particular, if the single authority suffered malicious attacks, it maybe cause the leakage of private key and the breach of cloud data confidentiality. In order to avoid the above two kinds of problems, multi-authority is introduced in this paper. The different authorities manage different attributes and distribute the attributes key to users, which greatly decreases the single authority's workload, improves the protection of user privacy data and solves the key escrow under a single or abuse authority. AND, OR and Threshold are flexible realized by using the access tree, and the user identity is set in the access tree to achieve the user's direct revocation. When the revocation occurs, the whole system only needs to update parts of the ciphertext without updating the attribute key, thus reducing the computational overhead of the cloud storage message. Finally, the proposed scheme is proved secure under the chosen identity attribute attack in the standard model, and the security of the scheme is built on the hardness assumption of decision bilinear Diffie-Hellman(DBDH)problem.
    Construction methods for a class of lightweight optimal S-boxes
    LI Ang, GUAN Jie
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2018, 53(7):  85-94.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2017.566
    Abstract ( 2212 )   PDF (634KB) ( 1543 )   Save
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    S-boxes are fundamental nonlinear components used in symmetric ciphers. The security of the ciphers is directly affected by the cryptographic properties of the S-boxes. This paper presents a construction method for a class of 4-bit optimal S-boxes, and proves that these optimal S-boxes can be classified into the same affine equivalent class G1. For each optimal S-boxes, we count their differential, linear properties and algebraic degree, then get the average number of equivalent gate of 25.6 in hardware implement. Furthermore, utilizing three-round MISTY and Feistel structure with sub-keys, we investigate the problem of constructing 8 bit S-boxes. Using a new definition called structure-optimality, we put forward a sufficient condition when 8-bit S-boxes reach the structure-optimality.