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    24 April 2009
    Volume 44 Issue 3
    Archaeal lineages detected in mangrove sediment in the Zhangjiang estuary of Fujian province
    ZHANG Xiying 1,2, XU Jing 1, XIAO Jing 1, XU Jun 1
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  1-6 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1509 )   PDF (1309KB) ( 1268 )   Save
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    Archaeal lineages in mangrove sediment in the Zhangjiang estuary of Fujian province were detected by environmental 16S rRNA gene sequences phylogenetic analysis. Total DNAs were extracted from the mangrove sediment and an archaeal 16S rRNA gene clones library was constructed. The archaeal 16S rRNA gene clones selected by amplified rDNA restriction analysis(ARDRA)were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. The results showed that most of archaeal 16S rRNA gene clones (95%) belonged to three described archaeal lineages, which were the marine benthic group D in the Euryarchaeota phylum, the miscellaneous crenarchaeotic group and the marine group I in Crenarchaeota phylum. A few archaeal clones (5%) constituted partially novel lineages in the Euryarchaeota phylum. The miscellaneous crenarchaeotic group(MCG)crenarchaea was the predominant archaeal group in the mangrove sediment. The archaeal lineages revealed in this study enhanced our understanding of the ecological complexity and importance of archaea in mangrove sediment.

    Studies on differential expressed genes between older and young goat skins of the Jining grey goat
    ZHANG Zhaoyuan 1, WANG Shuying 1, WANG Hui 1, ZHAO Jing 2
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  7-10 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1723 )   PDF (399KB) ( 1044 )   Save
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    DDRTPCR and reverse Northern dot hybridization methods were used to detect the different expressed genes between kid lambs(within 3 days old)and the older lambs skins (from

    30 to 60 days old) of the Jining Grey Goat. The false bands were quickly rejected by reverse Northern dot hybridization. The results indicated that 482 cDNA fragments were

    isolated using 8 kinds of primer combinations selected from 40 pairs of random primer with DDRTPCR. 52 differential expressed bands (10.79%) were discovered, of which 41 bands

    (8.51%) were differentely expressed in amount between kid lambs' skin and those of the elder lambs' skin, and there were 11 newly expressed or closed genes (2.28%) of those

    found. This means that compared to kid lambs, older lambs have 8.51% gene expressed difference in amount, and 2.28% new genes appeared or closed in the skins. The differential

    expressed genes would be the genetic basis of figure quality between kid lambs and older lambs skins.

    Identification, phylogenetic analysis and expression of
    a novel Rbx1 homologous gene in amphioxus
    AN Yunhe, CAI Zhaoping, ZHANG Wei, HUANG Shuhong, YANG Ling, ZHANG Hongwei
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  11-16 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1332 )   PDF (807KB) ( 1118 )   Save
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    A Ring box homologous gene, AmphiRbx1, was identified in amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri). Sequence characteristics, phylogenetic analysis and expression pattern during

    embryonic development and in adults were determined. The putative protein sequence of AmphiRbx1 showed high identity with its homologues in vertebrates and invertebrates. The

    gene expression was determined by in situ hybridization and RTPCR. AmphiRbx1 transcripts were detected in all developmental stages and showed predominant expression in the

    cleavage stage in embryos and in tissues with high division activity. These results suggest that Rbx1 homologues are evolutionarily conserved and AmphiRbx1 may play a role in

    cell division.

    Screening of differentially expressed genes in heatstressed mouse testis
    by construction of a subtractive cDNA library
    CAO Huiren 1, YANG Yongjie 2, DU Yi 1, WANG Dengyu 1, KONG Weihua 1
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  22-27 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1145 )   PDF (926KB) ( 938 )   Save
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    In order to screen out the most sensitive genes to heat stress, we constructed a subtractive cDNA library using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH).

    The total RNA was extracted from the testicle of heatstressed and control mice, then they were reversed and transcribed into cDNA. cDNA from the testicle tissue of control

    mice and designated as the experimental group (the tester) and cDNA from the testicle tissue of heatstressed mice as the control group (the driver). Only differentially

    expressed sequences were exponentially amplified using suppression PCR. Background was reduced and differentially expressed sequences were further enriched. The PCR products

    were easily ligated to TVector pGEM T. The positive clone was obtained and a subtractive cDNA library was constructed. Semiquantitative RTPCR analysis indicated that the

    genes revealed by subtractive hybridization were differentially expressed in the control and heatstressed testis. 932 clones were randomly selected for DNA sequencing. Among

    the 932 clones, 565 were successfully sequenced and were analyzed homologically with the sequence published in Genbank. Homology analysis showed that homeotic genes were found

    for the great majority of these genes. The result showed 13 genes that included cPGES/p23 were upregulated after heatstressed, while 120 genes that included septin2 were

    downregulated. cPGES/p23 was the gene discovered sensitive to heat stress during spermatogenesis of scrotal mammals in this study.

    Integrated ABR and BAF process in the treatment of garlic industrial wastewater
    ZHAO Da,chuan, WANG Wei
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  28-31 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1332 )   PDF (344KB) ( 1060 )   Save
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    The combined process of anaerobic baffled reactor and biological aerated filter was used to deal with garlic industrial wastewater. The results showed that for ABR, the optimum HRT and organic load rate (OLR) were 24 hours and below 6?kgCOD/m3·d, respectively, and the COD removal efficiency was 87%. The optimum running condition of the BAF was at HRT 16 hours, the OLR 1.1~1.4?kgCOD/m3·d and the gas/water rate of 10∶1 with a COD removal rate of 82.0%. After being treated by the combined process of ABRBAF, the COD removal rate could reach 98.4%~98.7%, and the effluent COD ranged from 79?mg/L to 94?mg/L. Which could meet the Iclass criteria specified in the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB89781996).

    Preparation and luminescence properties of onedimensional La2O3:Eu nanofibers
    ZHANG Xiaoyan, LIU Wei
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  32-34 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1496 )   PDF (596KB) ( 707 )   Save
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    Onedimensional nanofibers with Eu3+ doped La2O3 were prepared by the electrospinning method followed by hightemperature calcinations. Their structures and

    optical properties were characterized by SEM, Xray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetrydifferential thermal analysis (TGDTA), and photoluminescence spectra(PL) SEM images

    of fibers showed that the grain size is about 370~430?nm, and the diameter diminishes, with an average grain size of about 245?nm when calcined at 1?100?℃. The PL spectra

    show considerable enhancement of photoluminescence, especially the Eu3+ ff transition excitation lines and the charge transfer band.

    Study of tea by the dualindex sequence analysis method for
    LU Weijie 1, LIU Bing 1,2, ZOU Huabin 1, ZHANG Heng 1, ZHANG Xinling 1, YANG Guosheng 1
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  35-38 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1552 )   PDF (422KB) ( 815 )   Save
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    1HNMR fingerprint spectra of tea from different species and different habitats were studied with the common and variation peak ratio dual index sequence

    analysis method. This method can accurately identify varieties and qualities of green and blank tea samples. The results showed that the dual index sequence analysis can

    accurately describe the resemblance and differences among different tea samples and provides a good approach to identify and evaluate qualities of different kinds of tea.

    Existence of positive nonconstant steadystates solutions to a
    preypredator system incorporating a prey refuge
    BIE Qunyi
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  50-55 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1262 )   PDF (248KB) ( 495 )   Save
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    The steadystates of a diffusive preypredator system incorporating a prey refuge subject to homogeneous Neumann boundary condition were considered, and some

    improved results of the positive steady states solutions were derived. A priori estimates for positive solutions were established, and the nonexistence of nonconstant

    positive steady states was given by using the energy method. The existence of nonconstant positive steady states was obtained by using the topological degree theory.

    Analysis of a HollingTanner model with ratiodependence
    incorporating a prey refuge
    HOU Qiang, JIN Zhen
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  56-60 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1196 )   PDF (213KB) ( 1046 )   Save
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    A HollingTanner model with ratiodependence incorporating a prey refuge was discussed. The existence and local asymptotic stability of the equilibria of the system were

    analyzed, and global asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium was proved by constructing the Lyapunov function. By using bifurcation theory, it was shown that the system

    experiences Hopf bifurcation at positive equicibrium, and the uniqueness of the limit cycle of the system was found.

    The BurkholderGundy inequality of the universal Clifford martingale
    XIAO Yingxiong
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  61-64 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1430 )   PDF (190KB) ( 699 )   Save
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    Remarks on “Some properties of the quasilinear operator”
    XU Xiujuan1, LIU Zeng2
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  65-66 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1245 )   PDF (165KB) ( 786 )   Save
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    According to the properties of the quasilinear operator in normed linear space, proposition 6 was corrected and the proposition 7 of 《On some properties of the quasilinear

    operator》 were extended.

    Irseparability in Lstratified topological space
    SUN Shoubin, MENG Guangwu, MENG Han
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  71-73 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1499 )   PDF (182KB) ( 1134 )   Save
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    The concept of Irseparable space was defined in Lstratified topological space. Some basic properties of it were given. The hereditary property and invariable property under Dαorder homomorphism was proved.

    The inverse limits properties of σ-cf-expandable spaces
    HE Guitian, HUANG Haoran
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  78-80 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1310 )   PDF (196KB) ( 786 )   Save
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    {Xα,παβ,Λ},λ=|Λ|. If X is λparacompact and each Xα is σcfexpandable(σcsfexpandable), then X is σcfexpandable(σcsfexpandable).
    Aluthge transforms of essentially normal operators
    ZHANG Yun, CHEN Dongjun
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  88-91 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1424 )   PDF (205KB) ( 877 )   Save
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    Let T∈B(H), T=U|T| be a polar decomposition of T, then Tt=|T|tU|T|1-t and Tt(*)=|T*|tU|T*|1-t were defined to be the generalized Aluthge transform and the generalized *Aluthge transform of T respectively, t∈(0,1). Using block operator matrices and operator approximation, the relationships among the generalized Aluthge transform, the genralized *Aluthge transform and the class of essentially Normal Operators were discussed. In this note, it was proved that both the generalized Aluthge transform and the generalized *Aluthge transform preserve essential normality. Moreover, it was shown that T, Tt and Tt(*) are mutually essentially unitary equivalent.
    double rough integrals and recognition of the system
    Lv Kun 1,2
    J4. 2009, 44(3):  92-96 .  doi:
    Abstract ( 1230 )   PDF (228KB) ( 431 )   Save
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    Based on functions generated from the upper approximation and the lower approximation in dual of function one direction Srough sets, the definition of rough area, and the definition of double rough integrals was given and there dynamic characteristics were pointed out. Based on dynamic characteristics, the concept of distending measurement and distending rate was given and then the degree of the system was measured, which was inferred by calculating distending measurement and distending rate.