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    16 September 2009
    Volume 44 Issue 9
    Research advances in animal respiratory proteins
    ZHANG E-Na, FAN Ting-Dun, XU Ban, JING Zhao
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  1-7. 
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    Respiratory proteins play important roles not only in oxygen transport  but also in bloodpressure stabilization, fungus suppression, and virus suppression, which have attracted research interests of scholars because they are ideal molecules with which to study biological multifunctions of proteins. Base on recentresearch advances in crab hemocynin, the structural features and biological functions of hemoglobins, hemocyanins and hemerythreins were reviewed. Comprehensive understanding of the structural and functional characteristics of animal respiratory proteins will broaden our cognizance of biological multifunctions of animal respiratory proteins.


    QSRR of alkyl-nitrophenols in gas chromatography by genetic algorithms
    LIU Bing, LIU Wei-Ji, YANG Guo-Sheng
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  8-11. 
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    Soluterelated parameters of the Alkylnitrophenols were calculated by molecular mechanics and quantum chemical methods. The quantitative structure retention relationships (QSRR) of the Alkylnitrophenols on different polar stationary phases were set by the Genetic Algorithms method. The results showed that there is an excellent linear relationship between soluterelated parameters and retention indexes (RI). The QSRR models have better stability and accuracy for prediction of retention indexes of Alkyl-nitrophenols on the different polar stationary phases than those by the multiple linear regression method.

    QSAR study of the selected organic compounds anesthesia
    activities to tadpoles
    LIU Tian-Bao, BANG Yan-Fen
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  12-16. 
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    The DFT-B3LYP method, with the basic set 6-311G*[KG-*3]*, was employed to calculate the molecular geometries and electronic structures of 49 organic compounds. EHOMO, ELUMO, ΔE,ENHOMO,ENLUMO, ET, QH, Q-, μ and  Vwere selected as structural descriptors. The anesthesia activity(log 1/C) of these compounds to tadpoles along with hydrophobicity described by log KOW, the above ten structural parameters, was used to established the quantitative structureactivity relationships (QSAR) by multiple linear regression. The R2, q2, SE  and F  for model (2) established in this study were 0.933 2, 0.930 1, 0.274 and 121.800, respectively. The result indicated that the model had good predictability. In light of the model, the toxic actions of organic compounds included two steps: one was the collection of the compounds in vivo, which was described by log KOW; the next was the electronic reactions between the chemicals and macromolecular compounds, which were represented by  ELUMOand ENHOMO.

    Prediction of proteinprotein interaction based on improved pseudo amino acid composition
    HU Chuan-Ke, CHEN Ru-Hui, DIAO E-Ou
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  17-21. 
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    A new prediction method for proteinprotein interaction (PPI) was proposed based on an improved pseudo amino acid composition (PseAA) feature model and random forest. A new PseAA feature model based on the Geary autocorrelation function is used to evaluate amino acid properties related to PPI. Then accordingto the results of evaluation, relevant properties are selected to integrate together by another new PseAA feature model based on the Minkowski function. The randomforest is adopted as classifier for learning and prediction. The results obtained in the experiment indicate that this method can improve accuracy.

    Crack fault diagnosis based on MEP and frequency contour lines
    LIU Meng-Jun, XIU Li-Meng, LI Jin-Bing-Bang-Chi-Yuan
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  22-27. 
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    On the basis of a traditional evolutionary algorithm, a new method of crack fault diagnosis is discussed. The method uses the inherent frequencies as crack diagnostic parameters. According to the intersection point of frequency contour lines and the forecasted results of MEP, the structural crack position is located. The results show that the method can effectively integrate bothadvantages and achieve rapid and accurate location of the crack.

    Structural health monitoring of civil engineering based on wavelet analysis
    XUE Yan-Bei, YANG Bei, CHEN Zhen-Xiang
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  28-31. 
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    Structural damage location is identified by online detection using the multiresolution analysis of wavelet. The paper presents the structure of a civil engineering health monitoring system and the functions and features of monitoring modules. The fundamentals and methods of structural damage detection based on wavelet transform were expounded. The damage time can be found through analyzng the acceleration signal of a singlestory test platform, and the damage locationis identified through analyzing the scaling function of wavelet transformation.The result shows that the method has high practical value.

    Research on the method of viral mobile communication cross entropy based on video service
    SHU Zhi-Jiang, HU An-Yin, HU Lin, LIAN Jian
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  32-34. 
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    Aiming at the multimedia service in a broadband CDMA mobile communication system, the  method of the link capacity equation of a viral communication networkbased on cross entropy is proposed. This method transforms video service data into voice service data by defining the concept of viral mobile communication. The  construction of the link capacity equation of viral communication network   of  multimedia service, and  the concept of cross entropy are introduced. The impact of the probability that mobile users carrying on video service in microcell with viral mobile communication on network performance are simulated and analyzed. The simulation result shows that the possibility of mobile users carrying on video service in microcell with viral mobile commucation can reach to 40 percent.The analysis results supply a method when applying the concept of viral mobile communication to 3G and 4G CDMA mobile communication systems with multimedia service.

    A new synthetic registration principle for multimodal images
    CHANG Xiao-Li, LI Jin-Bing
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  35-39. 
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    A novel synthetic registration method is put forward. Based on alignment metric and normalized mutual information, image edge detection and image equalization are employed, and six registration algorithms are integrated to operate synthetic multimodal image registrations. Two criteria arethat the minority should subordinate to the majority and the weight be based on the credibility. Results of infrared image and the corresponding visible light image registrations are analyzed, which indicate that the synthetic registration method has high accuracy and robustness, and  has an obvious comparative advantage to non-synthetic registration methods.

    A clustering algorithm based on feature point selection
    SHU Guo-Gong, DAN Bing, GENG Xiao-Na
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  40-42. 
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    A clustering algorithm based on Feature Point Selection in Data Mining (abbreviated CFPS) is put forward in this paper. This method can overcome the disadvantage of a algorithm  which requires the number of clusters for numerical incoming data. The CFPS algorithm finds the optimal number of clusters, andgreatly improves the precision and efficiency of clustering. The results of experiments prove that  using the algorithm for the numerical data clustering method is feasible, which is valuable for further study in more depth.

    An acupoint information system for acupuncture and moxibustionbased on Flex J2ee technology
    CAO Hui, ZHANG Yan, YIN Yong-Tian, MA Jin-Gang
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  43-46. 
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    In the view of the current developmental trend and requirement for Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion,  an acupoint information system for acupuncture and moxibustion based on Flex J2ee technology is constructed. This system can not only meet the need of scientific research and clinicalresearch of acupunctureand moxibustion, but also can help interns and people to study the knowledge of acupuncture.

    Research and design of a network security protection system
    LV Liang, YANG Bei, CHEN Zhen-Xiang
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  47-51. 
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    A novel design approach to a network security prevention system based ona server is proposed. The structure sever host combined with a NetFPGA card is used. Packet filtering and contents detection are implemented on NetFPGA. The software on the protected host takes charge of configuration, updating rules and implementation of intrusion detection system. NetFPGA works with host via PCI interface. Hence, the combination of firewall and intrusion system is accomplished. Experimental results indicate that the network security protection system reacts accurately.

    Particle swarm optimizationbasedwireless sensor  network nodes localization method
    ZHOU Shu-Wang, WANG Yang-Long, GUO Jiang, WEI Nuo
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  52-55. 
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    To further enhance the location precision of unknown nodes in wireless sensor networks, a localization method based on particle swarm optimization is presented, through the combination of wireless sensor network and particle swarm optimization, which is dependent on distance. It can directly search outthe coordinates of unknown nodes by the distance from anchor nodes to unknown nodes. As is shown in the experimental results, compared to the normal locationalgorithms of fixed nodes,this method has higher positioning accuracy and can beapplied to the tracking of moving nodes.

    Channel sampling strategy of PTF with minimum time
    LIU Ying-Hui, WANG Yang-Long, GUO Jiang, LI Dong-Yue
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  56-59. 
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    Aimed at the question of channel sampling in wireless LAN test, a new sampling strategy: PTF sampling with minimum time is introduced. Throughsimulation and analysis, the result illustrates the inadequacy of current strategies. The new strategy can meet different application requirements. It is shown that the strategy of PTF sampling with minimum time is competent enough to all states of the wireless networking channel sampling.

    BGG-Algebra and quasihereditary orderings
    XIE Ping-Kai, ZHANG Ti-Hui, TUN Liu-San
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  60-62. 
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    Quasihereditary orderings of finite dimensional algebras are discussed. It is proved that any BGGalgebra has exactly one equivalent class of quasihereditary orderings.

    Distributive congruences on semirings
    WANG Ling-Yun
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  63-65. 
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    Congruences of semirings are discussed, and  a distributive congruence on semirings is given.

    Wreath products structure of super R*-unipotent semigroups
    ZHANG Xiao-Min
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  66-69. 
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    Super R*-unipotent semigroups are investigated, and thestructure of the wreath product of super R*-unipotent semigroups is obtained.

    Study of the conditional probability truth degree of formulas in the Gödel logic system
    YUAN Pan-Chi, Zhang-Xin-Fang
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  70-74. 
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    The valuation density function of formulas in continuous value propositional logic system is obtained based on the idea of conditional probability.The definition of probability truth degree and conditional probability truth degree for formulas in the continuous value propositional logic system are proposed. The similarity degree and pseudodistance between formulas are defined and  their properties are given.

    Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior for a second ordernonlinear differential equation with perturbation
    LIU Shou-Hua, LIU Bao-Dong, ZHANG Quan-Shen
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  75-83. 
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    Some criteria for the oscillation and asymptotics of a class of the secondorder nonlinear differential equation with perturbation are studied. The results generalize the known results.

    The exponential stability of a nonlinear functionaldifferential system
    CHOU Hua-Hai, TAO Yun-Fei, WANG Zhi-Gang, CHEN Shi-Yang
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  84-89. 
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    Periodic solutions of a class of nonlinear functional differential system(FDS) are studied using the method of linearization. It shows that the periodic solution of the nonlinear FDS is exponentially stable, if the zero solution of the associated linear periodic linear homogeneous FDS is exponentially stable. We obtain the exponential stability of a class of periodic Lotka-Volterra type n-species competitive systems.

    The uniqueness of the limit cycle and the bifurcation of singular  points for a class of polynomial systems
    ZHANG Zhi-Reng
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  90-92. 
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    This paper gives complete results concerning the focus values at O(0,0), and the existence uniqueness of limit cycles for a class of polynomial systems dx/dt=-y+δx+lx2+mxy,dy/dt=x(1+a1y+…+any),Finally the geometric characteristics of singular points which lie on the invariant straight lines are given.

    Onedirection rough relations and security of data communication
    XIE Hua, LIN Chang-Yuan, LIN Xue-Fang
    J4. 2009, 44(9):  93-96. 
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    A onedirection rough relations is defined and its structureis depicted which reserves the basic features of Srough sets. The subblocks by divide relation are used to substitute the equivalent class of rough sets.The article designs a formalized arithmetic to realize the numeric signature and authentication on data communication.