JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (12): 10-21.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.2.2022.484

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A memory network model based on semantic expansion of text for query suggestion

Naizhou ZHANG*(),Wei CAO   

  1. School of Computer and Information Engineering, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou 450046, Henan, China
  • Received:2022-12-26 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2023-12-19
  • Contact: Naizhou ZHANG


A novel memory network model based on the semantic expansion of text is proposed to generate context-aware query suggestions. An attention-based hierarchical encoder-decoder model is employed, utilizing an external memory network to generate the neural attention vector between the query and the related document. The model fuses query-layer, session-layer, and document-layer semantic information. Compared with state-of-the-art approaches, our model can generate context-aware query suggestions with higher relevance. Extensive experiments using real commercial search engine query logs demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.

Key words: query suggestion, semantic expansion of text, context-aware, memory network, encoder-decoder model

CLC Number: 

  • TP391


Architecture diagram of the memory network based on semantic expansion of text for query suggestion"


Framework of MNEncoder"

Table 1

Statistical information of Data Set"

数据集 划分时间区间(年-月-日) 数据集大小
ModelTrainSet 2006-03-01~2006-04-30 2 184 095
L2RTrainSet 2006-05-01~2006-05-14 638 362
ValidSet 2006-05-15~2006-05-24 328 924
TestSet 2006-05-25~2006-05-31 219 890

Table 2

Results of performance comparison of various models generating query suggestions  单位: %"

HRED[2] 32.605 9.698 10.278 8.554
Transformer 31.068 7.408 8.947 7.663
SETMN+Transformer 32.102 8.326 9.311 7.832
SETMN+HRED+Att 36.005 11.815 10.071 9.685

Table 3

Results of performance comparison of various models over MS MARCO  单位: %"

HRED[2] 39.126 18.426 17.417 13.685
Transformer 36.039 14.075 14.315 13.793
SETMN+Transformer 38.522 17.485 16.994 14.231
SETMN+HRED+Att 43.566 25.048 17.117 16.185

Table 4

Statistical information of data set for learn to rank"

数据集 数据集大小
L2RTrainSet* 19 108
ValidSet* 13 189
TestSet* 10 288

Table 5

MRR of query suggestion sorted by various models of learn to rank"

模型 MRR
ADJ[2] 0.511 4
Baseline Ranker(BR)[2] 0.545 9
HRED+BR[2] 0.553 3
Transformer+BR 0.548 6
SETMN+Transformer+BR 0.550 1
SETMN+HRED+Att+BR 0.566 8

Table 6

The samples of query suggestions produced by various models"

# 查询环境+尾查询不同模型生成的查询建议
ADJ HRED Transformer SETMN+Transformer SETMN+HRED+Att
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