JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (1): 35-45.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.4.2022.606

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Multi-instance embedding learning with instance affinity mining and reinforcement

Mei YANG1,3,4(),Wen DENG1,Benwen ZHANG2,Fan MIN1,3,4,*()   

  1. 1. School of Computer Science, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China
    2. School of Polytechnic, Sichuan Minzu College, Kangding 626001, Sichuan, China
    3. Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China
    4. Lab of Machin Learning, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2022-08-02 Online:2024-01-20 Published:2024-01-19
  • Contact: Fan MIN;


We propose the multi-instance embedding learning with instance affinity mining and reinforcement(MEMR) algorithm, including three techniques. The affinity mining technique is based on a custom affinity metric. First, the initial negative representative instance set(INRI) is selected in the negative instance space. Then, the initial positive representative instance set(IPRI) is chosen according to the difference between positive and negative instances. The affinity reinforcement technique evaluates the positive(negative) affinity between IPRI(INRI) and the entire instance space to obtain a representative instance set with stronger overall affinity. The bag embedding technique converts bags into single vectors for learning through the designed embedding function. Experiments are carried out across four application domains and seven comparison algorithms. The results show that MEMR generally outperforms other comparison algorithms in accuracy, especially in image retrieval and web recommendation datasets.

Key words: affinity mining, affinity reinforcement, embedding method, instance selection, multi-instance learning

CLC Number: 

  • O213


Main flow of the MEMR algorithm"

Table 1

Notation description"

符号 含义 符号 含义
$\mathscr{X}$ 实例空间 Vi Bi的嵌入向量
$\mathscr{T}$ 数据集 N $\mathscr{T}$中包的个数
Y 标签向量 ni Bi中实例的个数
Bi i个包 d 实例的维度
xij Bi的第j个实例 m 正包的个数
yi Bi的标签 ψ C中代表实例的个数
C 代表实例集


Bag embedding technique"

Table 2

Detailed properties of the used datasets"

数据集 包数量 实例数 维度
正包 负包
Elephant 100 100 200 1 391 230
Fox 100 100 200 1 320 230
Tiger 100 100 200 1 220 230
Messidor 654 546 1 200 12 352 687
Ucsb_breast 26 32 58 2 002 708
Newsgroups 993 1 007 2 000 80 137 200
Web 490 527 1 017 30 807 6 211


Parameter analysis of the number of representative instances of MEMR"


Ablationexperiment of MEMR and MEM(%)"

Table 3

Average accuracy on image retrieval and medical image datasets"

Elephant 82.5±0.84 81.5±1.22 86.0±1.76 84.7±0.98 76.5±1.64 63.2±2.58 75.4±1.99 87.1±1.28
Fox 61.9±0.86 60.8±2.60 61.2±0.75 63.3±1.75 54.2±3.47 59.7±4.33 58.8±2.66 64.6±0.86
Tiger 81.1±1.16 76.3±1.29 79.1±0.58 84.9±7.63 69.0±1.41 65.7±2.06 67.4±2.73 85.1±0.37
Messidor 61.8±0.84 62.1±0.53 70.5±0.53 67.5±0.28 64.0±0.24 62.2±0.47 56.8±1.53 69.3±0.30
Ucsb_breast 81.2±2.71 55.6±2.33 85.6±0.80 80.0±1.79 56.0±2.19 54.4±0.20 63.0±7.62 82.8±4.12

Table 4

Average accuracy on text categorization datasets"

News.aa 83.6±0.80 52.6±7.86 83.8±1.60 84.0±2.28 54.6±7.06 52.6±4.03 84.6±1.78 86.0±2.28 78.0±0.63 54.6±1.20 80.2±0.98 79.6±0.80 53.2±5.31 50.2±5.11 79.5±2.42 80.8±1.33 57.4±3.56 49.6±2.24 72.2±1.33 69.2±1.60 52.2±4.31 47.4±4.03 63.1±3.07 71.6±2.06
News.csi 75.4±0.80 57.6±3.20 79.8±1.17 80.0±1.55 56.6±6.62 50.2±5.49 78.1±2.02 81.2±2.40
News.csm 77.8±0.75 52.8±6.79 77.2±0.75 78.0±1.10 43.4±3.38 51.0±5.02 76.4±3.89 80.6±0.80 71.0±3.16 57.8±2.79 86.6±0.80 82.6±1.02 56.8±4.31 54.2±4.49 79.6±1.43 81.0±1.10 58.8±0.98 51.2±2.32 71.0±1.26 72.2±1.94 46.8±2.71 52.6±6.65 64.4±2.37 74.0±2.68
News.ra 75.4±0.49 52.4±1.62 78.4±1.36 81.6±1.02 51.8±6.68 52.0±5.02 71.5±2.27 82.4±1.74
News.rm 77.2±2.56 54.8±3.25 85.6±2.58 82.8±0.75 57.0±5.10 54.0±1.90 81.7±1.83 83.2±1.17
News.rsb 74.6±1.02 54.6±3.44 84.8±0.40 83.2±0.75 48.2±3.43 54.2±3.06 79.2±3.33 83.6±1.36
News.rsh 80.8±0.98 50.4±0.49 87.8±1.33 89.6±1.02 47.4±5.85 51.0±4.77 77.2±3.19 90.0±1.55 73.8±0.40 58.6±1.85 75.2±1.60 83.0±1.10 49.4±3.83 50.2±4.53 70.0±2.87 82.8±1.60 92.0±0.00 53.0±0.00 92.6±0.80 92.4±0.49 55.6±1.96 51.0±3.58 88.2±1.32 92.4±1.36 72.4±1.36 57.2±0.75 83.2±1.72 81.0±1.10 52.6±4.96 51.0±7.16 80.9±2.81 83.6±1.36 77.4±0.80 50.2±1.17 79.8±2.56 79.8±2.32 51.4±2.80 57.6±2.65 80.7±1.16 80.6±1.62 82.2±0.40 54.2±1.72 87.2±1.17 85.6±1.20 50.2±2.79 50.0±1.41 78.8±1.75 88.6±1.20
News.tpg 77.2±1.17 52.6±1.36 77.8±1.17 81.8±0.75 44.0±4.77 51.0±2.61 75.4±2.91 81.0±1.67
News.tpmd 83.0±1.79 60.0±3.58 79.0±0.63 83.6±1.02 55.6±2.94 55.6±4.59 76.7±2.26 85.2±1.17
News.tpmc 66.2±3.82 62.4±1.02 75.8±1.47 76.0±1.67 53.6±4.03 56.8±2.99 65.5±1.78 77.2±0.75
News.trm 61.6±1.02 52.6±1.02 75.0±1.10 78.0±2.28 47.2±3.87 51.0±3.63 66.4±2.27 76.2±1.47

Table 5

Average accuracy on Web recommendation datasets"

Web1 80.7±2.53 81.6±0.86 83.4±1.06 79.6±1.09 83.6±1.15 83.0±1.23 81.1±1.72 84.0±1.36
Web2 82.3±2.34 81.0±0.36 83.0±0.93 80.0±1.00 82.7±0.81 82.7±1.00 74.2±2.31 81.4±1.56
Web3 80.7±2.90 81.9±1.68 82.1±0.93 81.2±1.87 81.6±0.73 81.4±1.23 79.0±1.99 82.0±1.45
Web4 80.9±1.00 79.8±2.26 80.3±1.09 83.8±0.36 78.7±1.36 77.6±0.45 79.1±2.59 85.6±1.56
Web5 78.1±1.52 77.8±2.41 78.1±1.15 82.5±0.89 79.0±1.41 78.1±0.61 74.1±2.82 83.2±1.09
Web6 79.8±2.90 82.0±1.34 77.8±0.45 84.9±0.93 82.7±1.52 76.5±0.68 79.7±1.77 86.7±1.87
Web7 64.1±0.73 60.0±1.99 68.0±2.02 72.9±2.18 61.8±4.53 61.0±3.06 52.6±3.49 74.5±1.41
Web8 64.7±1.45 61.6±2.66 71.2±1.59 76.3±2.70 56.1±2.02 59.0±3.19 48.0±3.16 78.9±2.10
Web9 68.0±2.53 57.4±3.01 74.0±4.05 77.2±1.15 56.7±2.34 54.9±3.73 46.5±2.93 81.2±2.97

Table 6

Mean rank of eight algorithms on four classes of datasets"

图像检索 3.33 5.00 3.33 2.33 6.67 7.33 7.00 1.00
医学图像 5.00 6.50 1.00 3.50 5.00 6.50 6.50 2.00
文本分类 4.45 6.45 2.55 2.25 7.25 7.30 4.20 1.55
网页推荐 4.89 5.11 3.33 3.67 4.33 5.78 7.33 1.56
平均排名 4.50 5.97 2.74 2.71 6.29 6.85 5.41 1.53


Bonferroni-Dunn Test of MEMR and 7 algorithms"

Table 7

The CPU runtime (s) of one time 10CV of the eight algorithms on the five datasets s"

Datasets(d/n/N) Simple-MI MILFM miFV miVLAD MILDM Stable-MIL ELDB MEMR
Time Complexity O(dN) O(dn2) O(dn) O(dn) O(dn2) O(dn2) O(dn2) O(dn)
Elephant (230/1 320/200) 0.141 39.974 5.561 1.062 34.179 16.962 24.854 5.234
Ucsb_breast (708/2 002/58) 0.125 83.145 8.576 1.390 65.969 152.230 63.860 4.624
News.aa (200/5 443/100) 0.078 446.780 5.717 1.250 382.254 66.806 349.120 3.905 (200/3 094/100) 0.063 130.253 5.030 1.094 121.533 40.662 114.382 3.406
Web4 (6 059/3 423/113) 1.109 533.881 711.693 9.748 453.940 1 169.954 785.484 44.241
Mean rank 1.00 7.40 4.00 2.00 6.40 6.20 6.00 3.00
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