JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (9): 18-32.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2023.315

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Competitive strategies among supply chains considering tariff and local identity of consumers

Mingwu LIU1,2(),Ling GUO2,Yue YAN1,Shuoming DU1   

  1. 1. School of Economics and Management, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
    2. Research Center of Port Logistics Management and Shipping Economics in Chongqing, Chongqing 400074, China
  • Received:2023-07-16 Online:2024-09-20 Published:2024-10-10


Considering the factors of tariff and local identity of consumers, a competitive game model of two supply chains with two manufacturers as Stackelberg leaders is constructed, studies the optimal pricing strategies of two competitive supply chains are studied, and the influence of tariff and local identity of consumers on the profit elasticity of supply chains is analyzed. The results show that: (1) with the increase of tariffs, the wholesale price of domestic manufacturers decreases, while the sales price of retailer 1, the wholesale price of foreign manufacturers and the sales price of retailer 2 increase; with the enhancement of consumers' awareness of local identity, the pricing of each member of the two chains increases, and when consumers' awareness of local identity is weak, product A has more price advantage than product B. (2) With the increase of tariffs, the profits of domestic manufacturers and retailers 1 decrease, while the profits of foreign manufacturers and retailers 2 increase, and the impact of tariff changes on consumer surplus is related to the strength of consumers' local identity consciousness; with the enhancement of consumers' awareness of local identity, the profits of each member of the two chains increase, and the impact of changes in consumers' awareness of local identity on consumer surplus is related to the level of tariff rate. (3) When the local identity consciousness is weak (the tariff rate is low), the profit elasticity of multinational supply chain members is greater than that of foreign local supply chain members, that is, the profits of multinational supply chain members are more sensitive to the change of tariff rate (local identity consciousness); properly enhancing consumers' local identity can slightly slow down the losses caused by the rising tariff rate to the members of transnational supply chains, without causing damage to foreign local supply chains themselves.

Key words: tariff, local identity, supply chain competition, profit resilience

CLC Number: 

  • F273


Structure diagram of two competing supply chains"

Table 1

Model symbols and definitions"

符号 定义
a 产品的可替代程度
b 国内制造商相对于国外制造商的成本比例
c 国外制造商的制造成本
q1 产品A的需求量
w1 产品A的批发价格
w2 产品B的批发价格
p1 产品A的销售价格
p2 产品B的销售价格
δ 国外对进口产品A所征收的关税税率
β 消费者本土认同意识敏感系数
ε 国外消费者本土认同意识
q2 产品B的需求量
Π*m1 国内制造商的最优利润值
Π*m2 国外制造商的最优利润值
Π*r1 零售商1的最优利润值
Π*r2 零售商2的最优利润值


Effect of tariffs on prices"


Tariff profit elasticity under low local identity"


Tariff profit elasticity under high local identity"


Influence of local identity on price"


Profit elasticity of local identity under high tariffs"


Profit elasticity of local identity under low tariffs"


Effect ofδ and ε on the profit of domestic manufacturers"


Effect of δ and ε on the profit of r1"


Effect of δ and ε on the profit of foreign manusfacturers"


Effect of tariffs on profits of r2"

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