JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (9): 33-41, 55.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2022.620

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Online and offline supply chain coordination with competition and cooperation considering product quality and bilateral service level

Wenbing SHUI(),Dongmin ZHOU*(),Shaomei GUO   

  1. Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2022-11-15 Online:2024-09-20 Published:2024-10-10
  • Contact: Dongmin ZHOU;


Aiming at the supply chain coordination issues that the demand is affected by product quality, platform service level, service of team leaders, and the competition and cooperation relationship between the platform and team leaders, the supply chain decision-making models of centralized decision-making, decentralized decision-making, and coordination contracts are respectively built. The traditional cost sharing contract, two-part pricing contract, and "revenue sharing+commission" hybrid contract are designed. This paper explored the impact of product quality and bilateral service levels on the profits and optimal decisions of members before and after coordination in a competitive and cooperative supply chain. The results show that the two-part pricing contract and the "revenue sharing+commission" hybrid contract can effectively coordinate competing supply chains compared to traditional cost sharing contracts; the increase of consumers' preference for product quality and bilateral services contributes to expand the market demand for products, and improves the profits of the overall members of the competitive and cooperative supply chain under coordination.

Key words: community group purchase, competitive and cooperative supply chain, product quality, platform service level, service level of team leaders

CLC Number: 

  • F273


Structure of online and offline mixed channel supply chain"

Table 1

Symbol description"

符号 含义 符号 含义
Q 市场潜在的产品需求 k 产品质量成本系数
η 团长佣金比例 h 平台服务成本系数
φ 平台代理费用比例 t 团长服务成本系数
a 团长所占份额 D1 线上社区团购平台渠道的产品需求函数
θ 价格竞争程度 D2 线下团长渠道的产品需求函数
α 消费者的价格敏感系数 pj 产品价格(j=1, 2, 1代表平台的产品价格, 2代表团长的产品价格)决策变量
λ 消费者的产品质量敏感系数 q 产品质量(决策变量)
β 平台服务水平敏感系数 s 平台服务水平(决策变量)
ε 团长服务水平敏感系数 e 团长服务水平(决策变量)
w 团长采购产品的批发价

Table 2

Affect of consumer sensitirlty coefficient to product quality on the optimal value of decision results"

λ p21 p22 q2 s2 e2 π2s π2p π2g
0.3 10.87 9.81 2.12 0.58 0.44 85.28 23.43 12.59
0.4 11.11 10.04 2.87 0.59 0.50 88.84 24.64 13.73
0.5 11.43 10.34 3.66 0.61 0.58 93.56 26.30 15.51
0.6 11.84 10.73 4.50 0.63 0.68 99.59 28.49 18.18
0.7 12.35 11.21 5.40 0.66 0.80 107.10 31.34 22.16
0.8 12.98 11.81 6.39 0.69 0.96 116.34 35.02 28.03
0.9 13.74 12.53 7.48 0.73 1.14 127.62 39.80 36.69

Table 3

Affect of consumer sensitivity coefficient to platform services on the optimal value of decision results"

β p21 p22 q2 s2 e2 π2s π2p π2g
0.3 13.30 12.30 7.31 0.27 1.09 122.93 38.93 32.93
0.4 13.35 12.40 7.33 0.36 1.10 123.51 39.04 33.38
0.5 13.42 12.43 7.36 0.45 1.11 124.26 39.18 33.97
0.6 13.51 12.46 7.39 0.54 1.12 125.19 39.35 34.72
0.7 13.62 12.49 7.43 0.64 1.13 126.31 39.56 35.61
0.8 13.74 12.53 7.48 0.73 1.14 127.62 39.80 36.69
0.9 13.89 12.58 7.54 0.83 1.16 129.13 40.08 37.94

Table 4

Affect of consumer sensitivity to group leader's service level ε on the optimal value of decision results"

ε p21 p22 q2 s2 e2 π2s π2p π2g
0.2 12.77 11.88 6.75 0.67 0.28 116.92 36.24 30.55
0.3 12.86 11.95 6.82 0.68 0.42 117.97 36.58 31.12
0.4 13.00 12.04 6.93 0.69 0.58 119.50 37.08 31.97
0.5 13.19 12.16 7.07 0.70 0.75 121.56 37.76 33.12
0.6 13.43 12.33 7.25 0.72 0.93 124.23 38.65 34.66
0.7 13.74 12.53 7.48 0.73 1.14 127.62 39.80 36.69
0.8 14.13 12.79 7.77 0.75 1.39 131.90 41.28 39.34

Table 5

Optimal value of decision variables and profit under centralized and decentralized decision making"

决策类型 p1 p2 q s e π2s π2p π2g π
集中决策 22.21 21.01 18.11 5.92 9.39 / / / 291.37
分散决策 13.74 12.53 7.48 0.73 1.14 127.62 39.80 36.69 204.11

Table 6

The profit of supply chain system and its members after the implementation of hybrid contract"

集中决策 πs πp πg π
μ1=0.52, μ2=0.22 151.51 75.76 64.10 291.37
μ1=0.55, μ2=0.24 160.26 61.18 69.93 291.37
μ1=0.58, μ2=0.26 168.99 46.62 75.76 291.37

Table 7

Optimal value after the coordination of two pricing and mixed contracts"

参数 λ=0.4, k=1.5 λ=0.6, k=2 λ=0.8, k=2.5
F1+F2 [23.93, 60.02] [22.15, 63.18] [16.85, 66.40]
π4s [91.62, 127.71] [99.59, 140.62] [108.42, 157.97]
π4p [25.61, 44.43] [28.49, 49.61] [31.85, 56.85]
π4g [14.74, 32.01] [18.18, 38.09] [22.93, 47.48]
μ1 [0.545, 0.760] [0.532, 0.751] [0.510, 0.742]
μ2 [0.088, 0.303] [0.097, 0.316] [0.108, 0.320]
φ [0.447, 0.545] [0.398, 0.603] [0.366, 0.558]
η [0.230, 0.437] [0.207, 0.404] [0.176, 0.352]
π5s [91.62, 127.71] [99.59, 140.62] [108.42, 157.97]
π5p [25.61, 61.70] [28.49, 69.52] [31.85, 81.40]
π5g [14.74, 50.83] [18.18, 59.21] [22.93, 72.48]
π2s 91.62 99.59 108.42
π2p 25.61 28.49 31.85
π2g 14.74 18.18 22.93
π1 168.06 187.29 212.75
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