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山东大学学报(理学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (1): 89-94.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.2.2017.346

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  1. 1.中电科技(北京)有限公司, 北京 100083;2.中国人民解放军96632部队, 北京 100085;3.军事科学院原第六十一研究所, 北京 100141
  • 收稿日期:2017-08-28 出版日期:2018-01-20 发布日期:2018-01-19
  • 作者简介:孙亮(1980— ), 男, 高级工程师,博士, 研究方向为可信计算、固件安全. E-mail:lsun@zd-tech.com.cn

Secure startup mechanism of server based on trusted BMC

SUN Liang1, CHEN Xiao-chun1, ZHONG Yang1, LIN Zhi-peng2, REN Tong3   

  1. 1. ZD Technologies( Beijing)Company Limited, Beijing 100083, China;
    2. Troops 96632 of Peoples Liberation Army, Beijing 100085, China;
    3. The Former 61th Research Institute of Academy of Military Science, Beijing 100141, China
  • Received:2017-08-28 Online:2018-01-20 Published:2018-01-19

摘要: 服务器启动过程涉及到CPLD、BMC、BIOS等关键部件,任何一个环节没有保护,都将带来安全隐患。将服务器的启动过程纳入到可信计算体系中进行保护,能够防止关键硬件替换、软件篡改、服务器带外攻击等问题。服务器主板上的可信芯片在服务器启动阶段主动对可信BMC引导层进行验证,保证其处于正常工作状态。可信BMC能够根据用户既定策略,对BMC操作系统层进行完整性度量,并实现对BIOS的主动度量,确保BIOS镜像的完整无误。BIOS将对服务器关键软硬件进行度量,最终构建完整的信任链,为服务器提供可信计算环境的支撑平台。该机制已经基于昆仑BMC进行了相应验证。

关键词: 可信计算, 固件, 可信BMC, 安全启动

Abstract: The startup process of server involves CPLD, BMC, BIOS and other important components either of which is left without protection resulting in security risks. Trusted Computing is helpful for the server boot protection, such as key hardware replacement, software tampering and server attacks. The trusted chip on baseboard of the server verifies the boot loader of BMC. The trusted BMC measures the integrity of the BMC operating system and BIOS according to the established policies. BIOS measures the server key hardware and software so as to build a complete trusted chain. The mechanism has been verified based on Kunlun BMC.

Key words: firmware, trusted computing, trusted BMC, secure startup


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