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《山东大学学报(理学版)》 ›› 2025, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (1): 120-126.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.4.2023.0356

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  1. 郑州大学商学院, 河南 郑州 450001
  • 发布日期:2025-01-10
  • 作者简介:杜文胜(1987— ),男,副教授,博士生导师,博士,研究方向为决策理论与决策分析. E-mail: wsdu@zzu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

q-rung orthopair fuzzy self-dual aggregation operator and its application

DU Wensheng   

  1. School of Business, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan, China
  • Published:2025-01-10

摘要: 针对q-阶正交模糊多属性决策问题,给出基于q-阶正交模糊自对偶聚合算子的信息融合方法以及应用。讨论q-阶正交模糊自对偶聚合算子的幂等性、单调性、有界性。研究了该算子的极限情形,并利用加权幂平均函数的单调性给出该算子更为精确的边界刻画。提出q-阶正交模糊环境下基于该聚合算子的多属性决策方法,通过体育赛事举办地的选取说明该方法的可行性与有效性。通过不同的参数取值对排序结果的影响并与其他聚合算子进行比较,说明本研究方法的稳定性及计算简便的优点。

关键词: q-阶正交模糊集, 自对偶聚合算子, 多属性决策

Abstract: To handle q-rung orthopair fuzzy multi-attribute decision making problems, an information fusion method is proposed based on the q-rung orthopair fuzzy self-dual aggregation operator, which is induced by the weighted power mean operator with its power being rung q. Some regular properties of this q-rung orthopair fuzzy aggregation operator are investigated, such as the idempotency, monotonicity and boundedness. The limiting case of this operator is examined as q approaches infinity, and the boundedness is precisely characterized by the monotonicity of weighted power means. The aggregation operator based approach is developed to deal with multi-attribute decision making problems under q-rung orthopair fuzzy environment. An illustrative example related to the venue selection for sporting events is proposed to show the effectiveness and feasibility of this approach. The influence of the parameter therein on the ranking results is discussed to demonstrate the robustness, and comparisons with some existing methods are presented, which implies the current method can maintain the final results with a simpler calculation.

Key words: q-rung orthopair fuzzy set, self-dual aggregation operator, multi-attribute decision making


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