JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (8): 118-126.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2023.250

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An efficient outlier detection method based on multi-factor fusion

Zhiqiang YANG(),Shan FENG*(),Yi YIN,Huijia WU   

  1. College of Mathematics and Science, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2023-06-05 Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-07-31
  • Contact: Shan FENG;


Based on granularity characteristics of relative ratio of object neighborhood and importance of objects in neighborhood rough sets, an improved outlier detection method (neighborhood rough entropy-based outlier, NREOD) based on neighborhood rough entropy and multi-factor fusion is proposed. Comparison experiments on standard data sets in University of CaliforniaIrvine (UCI) databases show that the NREOD algorithm has a lower false positive rate for outlier detection in different types of data sets, and has better adaptability and effectiveness. This algorithm provides a new effective way for the research and application of outlier detection in mixed attribute data sets.

Key words: data mining, outlier detection, neighborhood rough set, neighborhood rough entropy, multi-factor fusion

CLC Number: 

  • TP181


Measure structure of neighborhood rough entropy outlier factor fused with neighborhood relative"


NREOD algorithm flowchart"

Table 1

Comparing results of experiment for German data set when UG: |UG|=714, |RUG|=14"

K/% k NREOD算法 KNN算法 DIS算法 FindCBLOF算法 SEQ算法 IE算法 NGOD算法 OD_NGE算法
T1/% t1 T2/% t2 T3/% t3 T4/% t4 T5/% t5 T6/% t6 T7/% t7 T8/% t8
0.98 7 14.29 2 28.57 4 14.29 2 21.43 3 14.29 2 21.43 3 21.43 3 21.43 3
1.96 14 35.71 5 28.57 4 21.43 3 35.71 5 35.71 5 28.57 4 42.86 6 35.71 5
5.04 36 85.70 12 57.14 8 35.71 5 50.00 7 64.29 9 57.14 8 92.86 13 71.43 10
6.02 43 100.00 14 57.14 8 42.85 6 71.43 10 64.29 9 71.43 10 92.86 13 78.57 11
7.56 54 100.00 14 64.29 9 64.29 9 100.00 14 71.43 10 92.86 13 100.00 14 85.71 12
11.20 80 100.00 14 100.00 14 78.57 11 100.00 14 71.43 10 100.00 14 100.00 14 92.86 13
16.95 121 100.00 14 100.00 14 100.00 14 100.00 14 85.71 12 100.00 14 100.00 14 100.00 14
24.37 174 100.00 14 100.00 14 100.00 14 100.00 14 100.00 14 100.00 14 100.00 14 100.00 14

Table 2

Comparing results of experiment for WBC data set when UW : |UW|=483, |RUW|=39"

K/% k NREOD算法 KNN算法 DIS算法 FindCBLOF算法 SEQ算法 IE算法 OD_NGE算法 NGOD算法
T1/% t1 T2/% t2 T3/% t3 T4/% t4 T5/% t5 T6/% t6 T7/% t7 T8/% t8
0.83 4 10.26 4 10.26 4 10.26 4 10.26 4 7.69 3 10.26 4 10.26 4 10.26 4
1.66 8 20.51 8 20.51 8 12.82 5 17.95 7 17.95 7 17.95 7 20.51 8 20.51 8
3.31 16 41.03 16 41.03 16 28.21 11 35.90 14 35.90 14 38.46 15 38.46 15 41.03 16
4.97 24 61.54 24 51.28 20 46.15 18 53.85 21 53.85 21 53.85 21 58.97 23 58.97 23
6.63 32 74.36 29 69.23 27 61.54 24 69.23 27 71.79 28 71.79 28 76.92 30 74.36 29
8.28 40 87.17 34 82.05 32 74.36 29 82.05 32 82.05 32 84.61 33 87.17 34 87.17 34
10.14 49 100.00 39 94.87 37 92.31 36 89.74 35 89.74 35 92.31 36 97.44 38 97.44 38
11.59 56 100.00 39 100.00 39 100.00 39 97.44 38 100.00 39 100.00 39 100.00 39 100.00 39
13.25 64 100.00 39 100.00 39 100.00 39 100.00 39 100.00 39 100.00 39 100.00 39 100.00 39

Table 3

Comparing results of the experiment for Lymphography data set when UL : |UL|=148, |RUL|=6"

K/% k NREOD算法 KNN算法 DIS算法 FindCBLOF算法 SEQ算法 IE算法 NGOD算法 OD_NGE算法
T1/% t1 T2/% t2 T3/% t3 T4/% t4 T5/% t5 T6/% t6 T7/% t7 T8/% t8
4.05 6 83.33 5 66.67 4 66.67 4 66.67 4 14.29 2 83.33 5 83.33 5 83.33 5
4.73 7 100.00 6 66.67 4 83.33 5 66.67 4 83.33 5 83.33 5 100.00 6 83.33 5
5.41 8 100.00 6 83.33 5 83.33 5 66.67 4 83.33 5 100.00 6 100.00 6 83.33 5
6.08 9 100.00 6 100.00 6 83.33 5 66.67 4 83.33 5 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6
8.11 12 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6 66.67 4 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6
13.51 20 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6 66.67 4 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6
20.27 30 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6 100.00 6
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