JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (12): 41-51.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.4.2022.3492

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Three-way over-sampling method for imbalanced data classification

Yu FANG*(),Huyu ZHENG,Xuemei CAO   

  1. School of Computer Science, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2022-08-02 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2023-12-19
  • Contact: Yu FANG


This paper proposes a new sampling method combined with three-way decisions and SMOTE, referred to as three-way over-sampling (3WOS). 3WOS constructs the three-way decisions model for all samples and select the samples in the model boundary domain as key samples for SMOTE oversampling. Consequently, the problem of sample aggregation and separation is alleviated effectively. Moreover, the performance of the classifier is improved to a certain extent. Firstly, the method divides all samples into three parts according to the three-way decisions and support vector data description. Secondly, finding the k nearest neighbors of minority class for all key sample and using linear interpolation to synthesize new samples for each key sample to generate the new minority samples. Finally, the updated sample set is used to train the classifier. Experimental results show that the 3WOS method has better performance in classification accuracy, F-measure, G-mean and less cost on the base classifiers than other methods.

Key words: imbalanced data, three-way decision, support vector data description, SMOTE, classification

CLC Number: 

  • TP181


Overall framework of 3WS model"


Overall framework of 3WOS model"

Table 1

Summary description of dataset"

数据集 属性数量 样本数量 不平衡率 数据集 属性数量 样本数量 不平衡率
Optical Digits (OD) 64 5 620 9.1∶1 Arrhythmia (Arr) 279 452 17∶1
Satlmage (Sat) 36 6 435 9.3∶1 Wine Quality (WQ) 11 4 898 26∶1
Pen Digits (PD) 16 10 992 9.4∶1 Ozone Level (OL) 72 2 536 34∶1
Sick Euthyroid (SE) 25 3 163 9.8∶1 Mammography (Mam) 6 11 183 42∶1
Spectrometer (Spe) 93 531 11∶1 Abalone19 (A19) 8 4 177 130∶1
Scene (Sce) 294 2 407 13∶1

Table 2

Confusion matrix"

类别 预测结果
正类 负类
正类 TP FN
负类 FP TN

Table 3

Cost matrix"

类别 预测类
正类 负类
正类 C(+, +) C(-, +)
负类 C(+, -) C(-, -)


Comparison of classification performance with different parameter on dataset Arrhythmia"


Comparison of classification performance with different parameter on dataset Satlmage"

Table 4

Accuracy comparison of different algorithms 单位: %"

OD 0.970 7 0.860 8 0.947 8 0.976 1 0.869 4 0.954 4 0.971 5 0.850 1 0.962 7 0.976 7 0.874 5 0.961 5
Sat 0.836 9 0.707 1 0.729 8 0.840 7 0.711 4 0.733 7 0.835 9 0.715 8 0.750 5 0.835 7 0.749 5 0.838 8
PD 0.984 5 0.678 4 0.929 3 0.987 4 0.680 6 0.933 2 0.981 2 0.709 2 0.901 3 0.988 1 0.9571 0.9757
SE 0.793 2 0.668 7 0.890 7 0.785 8 0.696 8 0.911 0 0.762 1 0.694 6 0.901 2 0.892 8 0.801 3 0.943 6
Spe 0.878 7 0.808 4 0.889 7 0.894 5 0.720 9 0.905 3 0.877 8 0.808 3 0.898 8 0.904 1 0.837 6 0.919 4
Sce 0.753 6 0.679 5 0.830 1 0.782 2 0.681 5 0.842 4 0.797 0 0.699 1 0.852 8 0.798 6 0.702 1 0.858 3
Arr 0.638 1 0.705 6 0.941 5 0.675 7 0.732 8 0.944 7 0.658 3 0.759 6 0.948 0 0.709 6 0.792 0 0.963 9
WQ 0.733 4 0.710 9 0.718 1 0.744 2 0.723 7 0.733 3 0.741 5 0.745 4 0.734 4 0.750 8 0.739 2 0.739 2
OL 0.849 6 0.763 5 0.893 5 0.870 6 0.818 7 0.907 3 0.930 9 0.867 8 0.949 2 0.881 4 0.810 8 0.911 7
Mam 0.892 6 0.800 1 0.876 0 0.901 1 0.805 3 0.883 1 0.912 5 0.713 5 0.897 8 0.915 6 0.815 9 0.899 1
A19 0.768 1 0.623 6 0.802 9 0.781 2 0.628 6 0.809 2 0.926 1 0.810 8 0.941 8 0.776 3 0.632 2 0.820 7

Table 5

G-mean comparison of different algorithms"

OD 0.970 7 0.860 0 0.929 4 0.976 2 0.868 7 0.933 2 0.971 2 0.849 6 0.899 2 0.976 6 0.873 6 0.975 7
Sat 0.828 7 0.670 9 0.711 4 0.833 8 0.673 2 0.716 8 0.819 5 0.681 9 0.738 4 0.825 1 0.709 3 0.830 3
PD 0.984 4 0.673 9 0.929 4 0.987 4 0.674 7 0.933 2 0.981 0 0.708 6 0.899 2 0.988 1 0.957 1 0.975 7
SE 0.781 3 0.624 3 0.889 6 0.770 6 0.655 0 0.910 4 0.737 0 0.649 2 0.899 3 0.891 2 0.792 3 0.943 8
Spe 0.879 8 0.805 1 0.887 9 0.891 8 0.699 7 0.904 1 0.876 5 0.787 8 0.894 4 0.899 3 0.828 7 0.919 1
Sce 0.745 0 0.679 5 0.829 0 0.775 5 0.689 8 0.840 6 0.796 0 0.697 4 0.851 0 0.795 1 0.697 7 0.856 6
Arr 0.627 7 0.671 0 0.942 1 0.645 0 0.708 1 0.944 1 0.627 3 0.730 6 0.947 1 0.667 2 0.763 1 0.962 9
WQ 0.729 0 0.705 3 0.717 1 0.741 5 0.719 3 0.732 5 0.734 8 0.741 5 0.732 4 0.747 8 0.738 2 0.738 8
OL 0.848 2 0.759 0 0.893 0 0.868 1 0.812 7 0.906 7 0.929 3 0.858 6 0.948 2 0.880 1 0.803 6 0.910 5
Mam 0.891 6 0.798 6 0.875 8 0.900 6 0.803 6 0.882 9 0.912 2 0.694 5 0.897 0 0.915 3 0.813 6 0.899 0
A1 9 0.758 4 0.545 1 0.802 6 0.761 9 0.544 5 0.807 2 0.924 0 0.789 8 0.9405 0.754 3 0.557 1 0.818 3

Table 6

F-measure comparison of different algorithms"

OD 0.971 1 0.865 9 0.947 8 0.976 0 0.873 9 0.954 8 0.971 2 0.854 2 0.963 5 0.977 1 0.879 3 0.961 9
Sat 0.853 9 0.760 6 0.767 7 0.856 2 0.765 4 0.769 8 0.8591 0.766 7 0.779 8 0.854 9 0.798 3 0.856 0
PD 0.984 8 0.650 8 0.929 8 0.987 5 0.674 7 0.933 1 0.981 7 0.717 4 0.907 0 0.988 3 0.957 2 0.975 5
SE 0.818 2 0.732 8 0.895 3 0.814 4 0.754 9 0.914 0 0.800 8 0.755 0 0.906 8 0.885 8 0.822 6 0.944 7
Spe 0.879 4 0.824 9 0.896 0 0.894 5 0.763 6 0.906 0 0.877 8 0.837 9 0.907 0 0.904 1 0.855 3 0.922 4
Sce 0.778 7 0.681 4 0.836 9 0.802 6 0.712 1 0.850 5 0.804 9 0.697 5 0.860 6 0.813 0 0.723 7 0.865 5
Arr 0.670 1 0.758 3 0.941 4 0.728 8 0.775 0 0.946 0 0.709 5 0.801 0 0.949 9 0.766 2 0.828 4 0.965 5
WQ 0.710 1 0.682 8 0.706 9 0.726 7 0.699 9 0.723 7 0.712 7 0.724 4 0.719 3 0.733 1 0.731 4 0.732 1
OL 0.856 9 0.781 5 0.896 8 0.878 6 0.834 8 0.910 3 0.934 5 0.882 7 0.951 3 0.886 9 0.829 1 0.915 8
Mam 0.887 8 0.806 0 0.874 1 0.898 0 0.813 9 0.880 6 0.914 1 0.753 1 0.901 6 0.913 8 0.824 9 0.898 0
A19 0.792 1 0.711 1 0.807 3 0.813 4 0.717 3 0.819 7 0.930 5 0.840 1 0.9447 0.811 0 0.717 7 0.831 4


Misclassification cost for comparison of different algorithms"

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