JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (9): 39-50.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2022.660
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Feixu LI1(),Fei YAN1,*(
),Binlin CHENG2,Liqiang ZHANG1
CLC Number:
1 | 白若琛, 庞成鑫, 贾佳, 等. 多协议融合LPWAN能源物联网云平台的设计[J]. 计算机科学, 2019, 46 (B06): 589- 592. |
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4 | 于颖超, 陈左宁, 甘水滔, 等. 嵌入式设备固件安全分析技术研究[J]. 计算机学报, 2021, 44 (5): 859- 881. |
YU Yingchao , CHEN Zuoning , GAN Shuitao , et al. Research on the technologies of security analysis technologies on the embedded device firmware[J]. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2021, 44 (5): 859- 881. | |
5 | ZHENG Y W, DAVANIAN A, YIN H, et al. FIRM-AFL: high-throughput greybox fuzzing of IoT firmware via augmented process emulation[C]//Proceedings of the 28th USENIX Conference on Security Symposium. New York: ACM, 2019: 1099-1114. |
6 | CHEN Jiongyi, DIAO Wenrui, ZHAO Qingchuan, et al. IoT fuzzer: discovering memory corruptions in IoT through app-based fuzzing[C]//Proceedings 2018 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium. Reston: Internet Society, 2018: 18-21. |
7 | SCHARNOWSKI T, BARS N, SCHLOEGEL M, et al. Fuzzware: using precise MMIO modeling for effective firmware fuzzing[C]//31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22). Boston: USENIX Association. 2022: 1239-1256. |
8 | ZHOU Wei, GUAN Le, LIU Peng, et al. Automatic firmware emulation through invalidity-guided knowledge inference (extended version)[EB/OL]. 2021: arXiv: 2107.07759. |
9 | FENG Bo, MERA A, LU Long. P2IM: scalable and hardware-independent firmware testing via automatic peripheral interface modeling[C]//Proceedings of the 29th USENIX Conference on Security Symposium, New York: ACM, 2020: 1237-1254. |
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15 | CHEN D D, EGELE M, WOO M, et al. Towards automated dynamic analysis for linux-based embedded firmware[C]//Proceedings 2016 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium. San Diego: Internet Society, 2016: 1-16. |
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17 | 于颖超, 甘水滔, 邱俊洋, 等. 二进制代码相似度分析及在嵌入式设备固件漏洞搜索中的应用[J]. 软件学报, 2022, 33 (11): 4137- 4172. |
YU Yingchao , GAN Shuitao , QIU Junyang , et al. Binary code similarity analysis and its applications on embedded device firmware vulnerability search[J]. Journal of Software, 2022, 33 (11): 4137- 4172. | |
18 | 杨毅宇, 周威, 赵尚儒, 等. 物联网安全研究综述: 威胁、检测与防御[J]. 通信学报, 2021, 42 (8): 188- 205. |
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28 | STEPHENS N, GROSEN J, SALLS C, et al. Driller: augmenting fuzzing through selective symbolic execution[C]//Proceedings 2016 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium. Reston: Internet Society, 2016: 1-16. |
29 | BUTUN I , PEREIRA N , GIDLUND M . Security risk analysis of LoRaWAN and future directions[J]. Future Internet, 2018, 11 (1): 3. |
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31 | ELDEFRAWY M , BUTUN I , PEREIRA N , et al. Formal security analysis of LoRaWAN[J]. Computer Networks, 2019, 148, 328- 339. |
32 | BUTUN I, PEREIRA N, GIDLUND M. Analysis of LoRaWAN v1.1 security: research paper[C]//Proceedings of the 4th ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Experiences with the Design and Implementation of Smart Objects. New York: ACM, 2018: 1-6. |
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37 | YANG Xueying. LoRaWAN: vulnerability analysis and practical exploitation[D]. Delft: Delft University of Technology, 2017. |
38 | TOMASIN S, ZULIAN S, VANGELISTA L. Security analysis of LoRaWAN join procedure for Internet of Things networks[C]//2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW). San Francisco: IEEE, 2017: 1-6. |
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40 | YEGIN A, DELCLEF J, LE GOURRIEREC M. Technical recommendations for preventing state synchronization issues around LoRaWAN 1.0. x join procedure[EB/OL]. |
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