JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (11): 20-30.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2023.481

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Key preparation processes and applications of arabinoxylan

Guang CHEN1,2(),Jiangtao LYU1,Xueliang QIU2,Libing DING1,Yichen CAI1,Yue CHEN1,Zhenxue LIU1,Lushan WANG2,*()   

  1. 1. Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404100, China
    2. The State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, Shandong, China
  • Received:2023-11-17 Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-11-29
  • Contact: Lushan WANG;


Arabinoxylan (AX) was an important component of hemicellulose in plant cell walls, which wa s found in grains such as corn, wheat, barley and rice. AX not only had antioxidant, prebiotic potential, and immunomodulatory activity but also had water retention, biocompatibility, and mechanical properties. At the same time, it could be converted into clean energy. Therefore, it was widely used in food, medical, industrial, and other fields. The biological activity of AX was closely related to its chemical structure. The fine structures and the functional properties of AX depended on different cereal sources and different extraction methods. In this paper, we summarized several aspects of AX, which contained the structural characteristics, biological activities, serval methods of extraction and purification from various raw materials, and the application.

Key words: arabinoxylan, preparation technology, functional property, biosynthesis, biomaterials

CLC Number: 

  • S-1

Table 1

Arabinoxylan contents of various cereals"

谷物 全AX质量分数/% 水可提取AX质量分数/% 提取方法 参考文献
小麦 9.5~13.0 3.1~4.5 碱提取 [7]
大麦 3.5~6.05 0.4~1.0 [8]
燕麦 21.9~33.0 碱提取 [9]
黑麦 6.7~12.1 2.2~4.7 [10]
高粱 2.95~10.82 碱提取 [11]
甘蔗渣 18.28 碱提取 [12]
玉米 22.9 碱提取 [13]


Grain cell wall composition and arabinoxylan structures[14]"

Table 2

Comparison of arabinoxylan structures from various cereal sources after extraction using different methods"

谷物 提取方法 收率/% 摩尔质量/(kg·mol-1) A/X(质量比) 阿魏酸含量/(mg·g-1) DPPH(EC50) 参考文献
甘蔗渣 0.25 mol/L氢氧化钠, 121 ℃, 30 min 0.08±0.07 [26]
0.5 mol/L氢氧化钠, 121 ℃, 30 min 1.12±0.28 47.00 [26]
1 mol/L氢氧化钠, 121 ℃, 30 min 7.22±0.26 212.00 [26]
2 mol/L氢氧化钠, 121 ℃, 60 min, 连续提取3次 21.70±0.28 212.00 [26]
玉米麸皮 1∶30(W/V), 浓度为0.3 mol/L氢氧化钠, 25 min, 70 ℃, 超声波功率500 W 27.78±0.17 6.30 [27]
1∶30(W/V), 浓度为0.3 mol/L氢氧化钠, 20 min, 70 ℃, 超声波功率400 W 20.45 [27]
1∶30(W/V), 浓度为0.3 mol/L氢氧化钠, 20 min, 70 ℃, 超声波功率500 W 21.45 [27]
1∶30(W/V), 浓度为0.3 mol/L氢氧化钠, 20 min, 70 ℃, 超声波功率600 W 19.24 [27]
1∶25(W/V), 浓度为0.3 mol/L氢氧化钠, 20 min, 70 ℃, 超声波功率500 W 20.55 [27]
1∶35(W/V), 浓度为0.3 mol/L氢氧化钠, 20 min, 70 ℃, 超声波功率500 W 16.68 [27]
麦麸 1∶7(W/V), 纯水, 60 ℃, 30 min, 未处理粒径(2 644 μm) 0.40 403.00 0.48 2.96 [28]
1∶7(W/V), 纯水, 60 ℃, 30 min, 研磨后(749.9 μm) 1.20 134.00 0.44 2.84 [28]
1∶7(W/V), 纯水, 60 ℃, 30 min, 挤压后(285.8 μm) 1.80 345.00 0.434 2.70 [28]
啤酒厂废谷物 1∶7(W/V), 加酶Laminex, 35℃, 6h 25.8±0.40 0.90 [29]
玉米纤维 SWE, 1∶14(W/V), 140 ℃, 30 min, 10~11 MPa 3.20±0.40 171.10 2.35 22.40±1.50 4.46 [30]
SWE, 1∶14(W/V), 160 ℃, 5 min, 10~11 MPa 5.00±1.90 367.10 2.24 14.10±0.20 5.79 [30]
SWE, 1∶14(W/V), 160 ℃, 15 min, 10~11 MPa 8.40±1.50 105.50 1.48 30.30±1.80 5.33 [30]
SWE, 1∶14(W/V), 160 ℃, 30 min, 10~11 MPa 12.20±0.80 57.60 0.99 39.70±0.20 4.63 [30]
SWE, 1∶14(W/V), 160 ℃, 60 min, 10~11 MPa 18.50±0.90 32.90 0.66 47.80±1.40 4.23 [30]
SWE, 1∶14(W/V), 180 ℃, 30 min, 10~11 MPa 18.30±0.80 32.50 0.66 47.90±2.40 3.89 [30]
SWE, 1∶14(W/V), 160 ℃, 30 min, 10~11 MPa, pH 5 1.70±0.10 190.70 0.99 11.90±1.50 8.84 [30]
SWE, 1∶14(W/V), 160 ℃, 30 min, 10~11 MPa, pH 7 3.00±0.30 178.10 0.70 3.90±2.10 6.11 [30]
SWE, 1∶14(W/V), 160 ℃, 30 min, 10~11 MPa, pH 9.2 14.50±0.60 199.80 0.56 4.00±1.00 4.95 [30]
高粱麸皮 饱和氢氧化钙(含1%硼氢化钠), 室温, 16 h 126.60±8.50 1.01 1.00 [31]
废高粱谷物 饱和氢氧化钙(含1%硼氢化钠), 室温, 16 h 126.60±7.30 1.04 0.77 [31]
高粱谷粒 饱和氢氧化钙(含1%硼氢化钠), 室温, 16 h 223.90±10.70 1.28 0.56 [31]
麦麸 1∶10(W/V), 1 mol/L氢氧化钠, 60 ℃, 16 h 761.00 0.69 [32]
1∶10(W/V), 0.5 mol/L氢氧化钡, 60 ℃, 16 h 704.00 0.78 [32]
SWE, 1∶10(W/V), 160 ℃, 10 min, pH为7.0 8.40±1.64 389.00 [32]
SWE, 1∶10(W/V), 160 ℃, 30 min, pH为7.0 111.00 [32]
SWE, 1∶10(W/V), 160 ℃, 60 min, pH为7.0 41.00 [32]


Schematic diagram of arabinoxylan extraction processes"


Schematic of xylan synthesis mechanism and characteristic enzymes involved in synthesis"

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