JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (7): 105-112.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.1.2023.055

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Multimodal conversation emotion recognition based on clustering and group normalization

Qi LUO1(),Gang GOU2,*()   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Public Big Data, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China
    2. College of Computer Science and Technology, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China
  • Received:2023-11-24 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-07-15
  • Contact: Gang GOU;


It is a challenge for multimodal emotion recognition task that the confusion of similar emotion categories recognition leads to a decrease in recognition effect. To address this problem, a neural network modeling approach for relational graphs is proposed based on clustering group normalization. Firstly, three modal features are extracted using three different feature extractors and spliced by incorporating speaker encoding, which enriches the feature representation and preserves the original information. Secondly, contextual information is extracted using Transformer. Finally, after the feature nodes are input into the relational graph convolutional neural network, the nodes are clustered and grouped by clustering and independently normalized to make similar nodes more similar, which alleviates the problem that similar emotions are difficult to delimit. Through experimental validation, the network model can reach an 86.34% F1-score on the IEMOCAP dataset four classification, which verifies the effectiveness of the method in this paper. At present, the model achieves the best performance on this dataset.

Key words: graph neural network, feature fusion, group normalization, cluster, conversation emotion recognition

CLC Number: 

  • TP391


Architecture diagram of multimodal conversational emotion recognition model based on clustering and group normalization"


Diagram of feature extraction module"


DRG module diagram"

Table 1

IEMOCAP dataset"

IEMOCAP 训练集 验证集 测试集
对话数量(话语个数) 108(5 146) 12(664) 31(1 623)

Table 2

Results for different emotional categories  单位: %"

情绪类别 Precision Recall F1值
Happy 78.57 84.03 81.21
Sad 85.77 91.02 88.32
Neutral 91.62 82.55 86.85
Anger 83.61 90.00 86.85
Macro avg 84.89 86.90 85.76
Weighted avg 86.66 86.32 86.34

Table 3

Accuracy and F1-score on different models  单位: %"

模型 Accuracy F1值
bc-LSTM[18] 75.10 74.10
CHFusion[19] 76.80 76.50
MMGCN 78.26 78.66
MM-DFN[20] 79.64 79.60
PATHOSnet V2[21] 78.00 80.40
COGMEN 84.62 84.53
DRG(本文) 86.32 86.34

Table 4

Comparison of the F1-score results of the 2 models on the IEMOCAP dataset  单位: %"

模型 Happy Sad Neutral Anger Acc avg Weighted avg
COGMEN 81.41 88.00 82.79 86.13 84.62 84.53
DRG 81.21 88.32 86.85 86.69 86.32 86.34


Visualization of feature nodes for TSNE method"


Confusion matrix comparison of recognition results before and after using DRG module"

Table 5

Comparison of different modal results  单位: %"

模态 F1值
音频 64.42
视频 48.45
文本 82.81
视频+文本 83.12
音频+文本 86.05
视频+音频+文本 86.34
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