JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (11): 85-92.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2024.316

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Enzymatic catalysis for methyl esterification of high acid value rice bran oil deodorized distillate

You ZHOU(),Pandeng LI,Leiyu HE,Lihui SUN*()   

  1. School of Chemical Engineering, Ocean and Life Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Panjin 124221, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2024-09-13 Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-11-29
  • Contact: Lihui SUN;


In order to improve the utilization rate of rice bran oil deodorized distillate, methyl esterification of rice bran oil deodorized distillate was catalyzed by the liquid lipase Eversa Transform 2.0. The esterification rate and the content of free fatty acids in the system were used as the evaluation indicators. The effects of reaction time, enzyme amount, molar ratio of alcohol to oil, and water content on the esterification rate were studied by single factor experiments. On this basis, the response surface experiment was used to optimize the esterification conditions. The results showed that the optimal conditions for methyl esterification of rice bran oil deodorized distillate were 1.2% enzyme addition, 5.9 ∶1 molar ratio of alcohol to oil, 11.8% water content, and 9.6 h reaction time. Under these conditions, the esterification rate was 97.37%. In summary, the low-cost liquid lipase Eversa Transform 2.0 catalyzed the esterification of rice bran oil deodorized distillate, which could obtain a high esterification rate and provide a green and efficient pretreatment method for the separation and extraction of phytosterols, vitamin E, and other active components in the system.

Key words: rice bran oil deodorized distillate, high acid value oil, enzyme catalysis, response surface methodology, methyl esterification

CLC Number: 

  • Q503

Table 1

Box-Behnken factor level list"

水平 X1/h X2/% X3 X4/%
-1 2 0.2 2∶1 6
0 6 0.6 4∶1 10
1 10 1.0 6∶1 14


Effect of reaction time on esterification"


Effect of enzyme addition on esterification"


Effect of alcohol-oil molar ratio on esterification"


Effect of water content on esterification"

Table 2

Box-Behnken design and response"

编号 X1/h X2/% X3 X4/% rest/%   编号 X1/h X2/% X3 X4/% rest/%
1 2 0.2 5 10 53.91   16 6 1.4 8 10 83.84
2 10 0.2 5 10 77.42 17 2 0.8 2 10 59.63
3 2 1.4 5 10 75.56 18 10 0.8 2 10 66.72
4 10 1.4 5 10 94.75 19 2 0.8 8 10 53.45
5 6 0.8 2 4 63.29 20 10 0.8 8 10 82.49
6 6 0.8 8 4 58.48 21 6 0.2 5 4 58.31
7 6 0.8 2 16 62.54 22 6 1.4 5 4 73.84
8 6 0.8 8 16 73.52 23 6 0.2 5 16 59.17
9 2 0.8 5 4 55.73 24 6 1.4 5 16 92.10
10 10 0.8 5 4 72.11 25 6 0.8 5 10 95.56
11 2 0.8 5 16 65.26 26 6 0.8 5 10 93.86
12 10 0.8 5 16 80.83 27 6 0.8 5 10 94.62
13 6 0.2 2 10 58.12 28 6 0.8 5 10 94.42
14 6 1.4 2 10 71.80 29 6 0.8 5 10 92.24
15 6 0.2 8 10 56.16            

Table 3

Analysis of variance for the regression model of RBODD methyl esterification catalyzed by Eversa Transform 2.0"

方差来源 总方差和 自由度 均方 F p 显著性
Model 5 969.24 14 426.37 105.39 < 0.000 1 ***
X1 649.96 1 649.96 160.65 < 0.000 1 ***
X2 607.76 1 607.76 150.22 < 0.000 1 ***
X3 1 453.35 1 1 453.35 359.23 < 0.000 1 ***
X4 204.31 1 204.31 50.50 < 0.000 1 ***
X1 X2 4.67 1 4.67 1.15 0.301 0  
X1 X3 120.45 1 120.45 29.77 < 0.000 1 ***
X1 X4 0.164 0 1 0.164 0 0.040 5 0.843 3  
X2 X3 49.00 1 49.00 12.11 0.003 7 **
X2 X4 75.69 1 75.69 18.71 0.000 7 ***
X3 X4 62.33 1 62.33 15.41 0.001 5 **
X12 791.60 1 791.60 195.66 < 0.000 1  
X22 514.61 1 514.61 127.20 < 0.000 1  
X32 1 880.02 1 1 880.02 464.69 < 0.000 1  
X42 1 250.03 1 1 250.03 308.97 < 0.000 1  
残差 56.64 14 4.05      
失拟项 50.63 10 5.06 3.37 0.126 6  
纯误差 6.01 4 1.50      
总和 6 025.88 28        


Response surface plot of factors interacting with each other"

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