JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (11): 74-84.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2024.263

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Effect of PCM-PCHE on SCO2 Brayton cycle under variable operating conditions

Lianjie ZHANG1(),Wei LI2,Ping YANG1,Min ZENG1,*(),Qiuwang WANG1   

  1. 1. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, Shaanxi, China
    2. College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing 211816, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2024-07-27 Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-11-29
  • Contact: Min ZENG;


In order to weaken the influence of variable operating conditions such as temperature instability on the supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) Brayton cycle, this study fitted and generalized the results of the phase change materials-printed circuit heat exchanger (PCM-PCHE) embedded in numerical simulations, and established a dynamic simulation model of the coupling between PCM-PCHE and SCO2 Brayton cycle. The coupled dynamic simulation model of SCO2 Brayton cycle was established, and the model validation was completed by the comparison of its parameters with experimental values under stable conditions. Then the variable operating conditions characteristics of the core parameters of the SCO2 Brayton cycle system were observed under temperature fluctuations as well as load variations. The results showed that the addition of PCM-PCHE has a better stabilizing effect on the SCO2 Brayton cycle system with variable operating conditions, which reduced the fluctuation amplitude of the cycle efficiency by 40.8%, and the stabilized value of the rotor speed was lower than that without PCM by 18 r/min, and at the same time, it weakened the variation amplitude of the isentropic efficiency of the turbomachinery when the load varied, which was conducive to the stabilization of the system.

Key words: heat exchanger, phase change material, Brayton cycle, temperature fluctuation, load variation, dynamic characteristics

CLC Number: 

  • TK123


Physical model of PCM-PCHE[24]"


Schematic diagram of the cell used for numerical simulation calculations"


Schematic diagram of the internal heat transfer model of PCM-PCHE"

Table 1

Physical parametersof the three-layer PCM staircase arrangement and EG[24]"

层级 填充材料 密度/(kg·m-3) 比热容/[kJ/(kg·K)] 导热系数/[W/(m·K)] 潜热/(kJ/kg) 熔点/K
PCM1 KOH 2 110.0 1.47 0.50 149.7 653.15
PCM2 NaNO2 1 810.0 1.71 0.67 180.0 531.15
PCM3 D-Mannitol 1 485.0 2.05 0.31 326.0 436.00
EG EG 4.1 0.71 129.00


Schematic diagram of recompression Brayton cycle"

Table 2

Comparison of temperature and errors between PCM-PCHE and experimental values"

项目 Th, i/K Tc, i/K Th, o/K Tc, o/K
实验值 750.0 389.0 418.0 698.0
PCM-PCHE模型值 737.0 389.1 418.5 706.9
相对误差/% 1.73 0.03 0.12 1.28


Numerical simulation results of PCM-PCHE under temperature fluctuation and their correlation equation fitting"


Response of three-layer PCM under temperature fluctuation in SCO2 Brayton cycle simulation"


Comparison of key parameters in the SCO2 Brayton cycle under temperature fluctuation"


Response of three-layer PCM under load variation in SCO2 Brayton cycle simulation"


Comparison of key parameters in SCO2 Brayton cycle under temperature fluctuations"

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