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    20 May 2013
    Volume 48 Issue 05
    Elliptic curves in cryptography: past, present and future…
    ZHANG Fang-guo
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  1-13. 
    Abstract ( 2059 )   PDF (1139KB) ( 3819 )   Save
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     From the beginning of the nineteenth century, mathematicians have put the elliptic curves as a research objective of algebra, geometry and number theory to study in-depth. So far, the theory of elliptic curves applied not only in the field of mathematics, and also widely in computing science, information security, physics and other fields. In this paper, we reviewed the application of elliptic curves in cryptography, from the primality testing, integer factorization to elliptic curve cryptosystem, bilinear pairing based cryptosystem and the quantum-resistant cryptosystems from elliptic curve isogenies. We introduced the basic principles and the status of these applications. Finally, we briefly discussed some open questions and possible future progress in this area.

    Differential expression of aromatic hydrocarbon degradation related proteins in Pseudomonas putida F1 grown on succinate, toluene or ethylbenzene
    ZHANG Xiao, ZHANG Yu-zhen, LIU Jun-jun, LIU Hong-lei*
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  14-19. 
    Abstract ( 1062 )   PDF (1465KB) ( 1701 )   Save
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    The degradation of aromatic compounds has been widely studied biochemically or genetically. Through 2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) and Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-Time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis, the expression of mono cyclic aromatic compounds degradation related proteins were compared when bacteria Pseudomonas putida F1 was grown on succinate, touene, ethylbenzene or the mixture of toluene and ethylbenzene as carbon and energy sources. Although the aromatic compounds were all metabolized using TOD pathway, the expression of some aromatic hydrocarbon degradation related proteins were different when the cells were grown on different carbon sources. Four groups of differentially expressed proteins have been identified, including metabolic proteins, transportation proteins, adaptation related proteins and other proteins.

    Preliminary study on hybridization between Haliotis discus hannai and Haliotis iris
    GUO Zhan-sheng, HOU Xu-guang*, ZHANG Hai-tao, ZHENG Hai, SHI Chao
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  20-22. 
    Abstract ( 1070 )   PDF (980KB) ( 1739 )   Save
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    With the new technology of abalone gonad development control and temperature reversion control for the fertilization,the gametic hybridization breeding between H.discus hannai and H.iris were studied. The results showed that the fertilization rate and larval hatching rate of hybridized breeding between H.discus hannai ♀ and H.iris♂ were 23.4% and 32.87% respectively, while the fertilization rate and larval hatching rate of H.dis cus hannai autocopution were 77.97% and 76.86% respectively, the attachment rate and the metamorphosis rate between H.discus hannai and the hybridized abalone were similiar. The procedure of embryo development of hybrids was lagged than pure progenies when the temperature was at 20℃ and salinity was 30, but the growth rate of the juvenile hybridized abalone was significantly higher than H.discus hannai. F1generation of the hybridization indicated better production performance and heterosis.

    Extraction and amplification of bacterial DNA from soils of poplar plantation
    NI Gui-ping, WANG Yan-ping, WANG Hua-tian*, HAN Ya-fei, SANG Ya-lin
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  23-28. 
    Abstract ( 1045 )   PDF (1367KB) ( 1759 )   Save
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    Soil microbial diversity reflects the degree of soil ecosystem health, plays an important role in soil nutrient cycling, and largely affects the forest land productivity. Using the rhizosphere and bulk soils from poplar plantations, extracting the genome DNA of total microorganism by MOBIO PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit, the DNA extraction and amplification of 16S rDNA V3 area of microbes were studied in this paper to study the effect of plantation longterm management on soil microbial diversity. The results showed that this method can extract genome DNA of total microorganism from 6 kinds of soils from poplar plantation. The genomic DNA fragments was more than 2 000bp and the electrophoresis bands of DNA were clear, complete and without obvious degradation, and the genome DNA could be the favorable templates of 16S rDNA PCR amplification of soil bacteria. The brightness of 6 genomic DNA electrophoresis bands in electrophoresis figure is different, of which the DNA band of rhizosphere soil(B3)from first generation poplar plantation was the most bright, while the one of bulk soil(FB18)from third generation plantation was the most dark. According to the concentration detection of different DNA samples, the DNA concentration of B3 was about 69ng·ml-1, and that of FB18 was only 20ng·ml-1. Choosing 27F/1492R and F338GC/R518 primers, and using nested PCR strategy, this study successfully amplified the strip of 16S rDNA V3 area with about 220bp.

    Study on synthesis process of polyether grafted polycarboxylate based superplasticizer
    SHAO Guo-jun, RU Miao-yan*, SUN Xue-ying
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  29-33. 
    Abstract ( 1042 )   PDF (1726KB) ( 1715 )   Save
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    The polycarboxylate based superplasticizer was synthesized by water solution copolymerization of acrylic acid (AA), sodium methyl acryl sulfonate (SMAS) and allyl polyethylene glycol (JFB-23). Ammonium persulfate (APS) was used as the initiator. The mole ratio of monomers, the dosage of initiator, the polymerization temperature and the reaction time on the performance of polycarboxylate based superplasticizer were investigated. The structure and molecular mass of superplasticizer were characterized by FTIR and GPC. The results indicated that the polycarboxylate based superplasticizer with better performance could be obtained when n(AA)∶n(SMAS)∶n(JFB-23)=08∶3∶1, the dosage of initiator was 4 % of the monomer weight, the polymerization temperature was 85℃, the adding time was 2h and the soaking time was 2.5h.

    Uncertainty estimation in determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in  tuna by stable isotope dilution gas chromatographymass spectrometry
    SHEN Zhong-lan1, YUAN Dong2, WANG Mao-sen1, TUO Ying-ying3, ZHANG Hong-xia1, SHENG Jian-wei1, ZHANG Hui1, ZHU Jian-hua1
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  34-38. 
    Abstract ( 1303 )   PDF (967KB) ( 1981 )   Save
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    Existing methods for analyzing PCBs in animal muscle require multiple and laborious steps prior to quantitation. In this paper, a method for determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls(PCBs) in tuna by Stable Isotope Dilution Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry(GCMS) has been proposed. Uncertainty source of the method has been analyzed systematically. By analyzing of standard material PCB28, the uncertainty factors of testing process were evaluated and synthesized. When the result for the determination of PCB28 was 17.7ng/g, the expanded uncertainty was 1.9ng/g, k=2, p=95%. This paper evaluated comprehensively the predominant influences on the uncertainty, some methods used to improve the quality control were also discussed.

    Mathematical and visual approaches for determining pH during freeze-drying
    LI Chun-long1,2, LI Xiao-shuang1, XU Xia1*
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  39-42. 
    Abstract ( 1079 )   PDF (1881KB) ( 2174 )   Save
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    pH changes during freezing played a critical role in maintaining the biostabilization of biomacromolecules after lyophilization. In this study a mathematics model based on the Mazur equation was applied to explore pH changes during freezing. The pH change with temperature and time during freezing was simulated for different buffer systems. Fluorescence images under different conditions were taken using a fluorescence microscopy during freezing. pH was determined using an image analysis method. The simulation results revealed that the pH value of the system during freezing can be predicted using the mathematic model. The non-invasive method developed is able to measure the system pH during freezing.

    The construction and asteroseismological analysis of  the model of hot subdwarf B star
    LI Yun1, SONG Han-feng 1,2,3*
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  43-50. 
    Abstract ( 1194 )   PDF (3213KB) ( 2149 )   Save
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     A low mass star (about 1.6 M⊙) can evolve to the tip of the RGB phase through the stellar evolution code (MESA code). After igniting the helium flash, the stars lose a lot of mass and remain a total mass around 0.5M⊙. The star has a central helium burning core and has a tiny (≤0.02M⊙) hydrogenrich envelope. It is called as the zero age Btype subdwarf star model. For different total mass and different hydrogenrich envelope, these models have different effective temperature and gravity. They distribute with small range from the zero age extreme horizontal branch to the termination age extreme horizontal branch. Their evolutionary track is very similar. The internal structure can be derived from the theoretical evolutionary model. It is found that p-mod appears in the models with high effective temperature whereasgmod appears in the models with low effective temperature. Both of them can exist between the high temperature and the low temperature. Radial(l=0)and nonradial(from l=1 up to l=5)oscillation modes of pmod have the periods of 60-500s and nonradial oscillation modes of gmod has the periods of 1800-5000s. Some pulsation quantities, such as BruntVisl frequency, Lamb frequency, eigenfrequency and inertial parameter can be investigated when the adiabatic linearity pulsation code can be used. The characters of the pulsation for the sdb star have been investigated.

    Ternary FPRM circuit area optimization based on genetic algorithm
    SUN Fei, WANG Peng-jun*, YU Hai-zhen, WANG Di-sheng
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  51-56. 
    Abstract ( 1117 )   PDF (1364KB) ( 1557 )   Save
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    According to the different ternary fixed polarity RM (Reed-Muller) logic expression corresponding to the circuit area at different polarities, a ternary polarity conversion algorithm for different logic was proposed through the research of multiple valued tabular technique. First, according to the ternary FPRM(Fixed-Polarity ReedMuller) fixed polarity expansion characteristics, the ternary FPRM circuit area estimation model value was established. Second, the ternary sum of product expansion of lattice algebra to the RM logical expansion polarity conversion algorithm was derived from multiple valued tabular technique. On the basis, the genetic algorithm was applied to searching the polarity with the minimal area of the ternary FPRM circuit. Final, the results of testing eight circuits from MCNC Benchmark indicate that this algorithm is highly effective for searching the best polarity. The ternary FPRM circuits under the polarity searched by the proposed algorithm have achieved average areasaving by 47.4%, compared with the circuits under polarity 0.

    The equivalence of strong blind signature and unique blind signature
    CAI Jie1,2, QIN Jing1*, HAN Fei1
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  57-62. 
    Abstract ( 1205 )   PDF (914KB) ( 2244 )   Save
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    Focused on the Chaum’s RSA-based blind signature scheme and introduced the strong un-forgeability in blind signature, a new class of blind signature schemes called strong blind signature scheme was presented. A conclusion was proposed which the strong blind signature and the unique blind signature were equivalent by using game reduction and comparing the un-forgeable attack game of strong blind signature schemes with that of the unique blind signature schemes. From this conclusion, more general secure definition and determinant methods for the unique blind signature schemes were proposed, so the open problem that how to decide the unique blind signature schemes was solved.

    Manifold regularized-based discriminant concept factorization
    DU Shi-qiang1, SHI Yu-qing2, WANG Wei-lan1, MA Ming1
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  63-69. 
    Abstract ( 1177 )   PDF (2044KB) ( 1596 )   Save
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    Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) and concept factorization (CF) can be found not to make use of the power of kernelization or pay any attention to the geometric structure and the label information of the data. A novel algorithm called manifold regularizedbased discriminant concept factorization (MRCF). When original data is factorized in lower dimensional space using CF, MRCF preserves the intrinsic geometry of data, using the label information as supervised learning, producing an efficient multiplicative updating procedure and providing the convergence proof of our algorithm. Compared with NMF, CF and its improved algorithms, experimental results of ORL face database, COIL20 image database and USPS handwrite database have shown that the proposed method achieves more highly clustering precision.

    The fast split bregman algorithm for variational image inpainting model with euler’s elastic
    MA Jie, PAN Zhen-kuan*, WEI Wei-bo, GUO Kai
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  70-77. 
    Abstract ( 1213 )   PDF (1813KB) ( 1682 )   Save
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    The variational image inpainting model with Euler’s elastica for regularizer can restore large broken domain, but it usually leads to higher order partial differential equations, which must be solved using complex finite difference schemes with low efficiency. The original variational model was transformed into a simple iterative optimization model of  Split Bregman algorithm by introducing some auxiliary variables and Bregman iterative parameters and was solved it via alternating minimization procedure. The final equations are a series of simple Euler-Lagrange equation of the primal variable and some generalized soft thresholding formulas. Some numerical experiments validate this algorithm.

    Study on the node localization schemes of three dimensional wireless sensor networks based on particle swarm optimization
    L Jia-liang1,2,3, WANG Ying-long1,3, CUI Huan-qing1, WEI Nuo2,3, GUO Qiang2,3
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  78-82. 
    Abstract ( 945 )   PDF (1486KB) ( 1194 )   Save
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    To solve the accurate localization of three-dimensional wireless sensor networks, a three-dimensional localization algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (3DPSO) was presented. In order to improve the efficiency and precision of localization method, a distancebased objective function to evaluate the fitness of particles was presented. Besides, in order to speed up the convergence rate of the localization result, the search space of the particles was limited. Finally, in the case of the ideal and ranging error environment, the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm was proved. Compared to the typical schemes, Simulation results reveal that this algorithm provides better robustness and high positioning accuracy.

    Pricing strategy of considering retailer’s fairness concerns in  the closed-loop supply chain
    ZHANG Ke-yong1, WU Yan1, HOU Shi-wang2
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  83-91. 
    Abstract ( 1186 )   PDF (1735KB) ( 2143 )   Save
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    The price strategies of the closed-loop supply chain for considering fairness concerns behavior were studied, and two different price models were constructed under two different situations in which the manufacturer considers retailer’s behavior of fairness concerns or the manufacturer doesn’t consider retailer’s behavior of fairness concerns. The price models were analyzed by game theory. The results shows that the retailer’s fairness concerns behavior tendencies affect the price strategies and profit of the retailer and manufacturer, and the recycling quantity of waste products. The manufacturer makes more benefits when he considers the retailer’s behavior of fairness concerns than he doesn’t, which will increase the amount of recycling waste products of the closed-loop supply chain system, and will be beneficial to resource recycling and environmental protection. At the same time, it is found that the behavior of fairness concerns is an effective means for retailer to obtain the gains distribution of the closed-loop supply chain.

    The maximum of earnings per risk portfolio model with restricted short selling under BVaR
    L Xiao-ni 1, WANG Yan-cai 2, GAO Yue-lin 2
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  92-96. 
    Abstract ( 992 )   PDF (1016KB) ( 1774 )   Save
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    In the BVaR risk measure,  the maximum of earnings per risk portfolio model with restricted short selling was put forward, and the model was transformed into an unconstrained optimization problem through the penalty function, and then the problem was solved by using adaptive differential evolution algorithm. The empirical analysis shows that the algorithm is effective and the constraint of restricted short selling is reasonable, which contributes to the expansion of investment opportunities, enhances the market efficiency and reduce the market risk.

    Gambling strategies with their applications in money management systems
    SUI Yuan-yuan, YANG Wei-qiang*
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  97-104. 
    Abstract ( 1578 )   PDF (4033KB) ( 1565 )   Save
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    The profit and risk of ruin were studied for some gambling strategies, such as the doubling bets strategy, Fibonacci betting strategy and the exposure controlling strategy. Moreover, the applications of these strategies in the money management systems were also analyzed and compared. The exposure controlling strategy is most profitable for the trading systems with positive expectations, but if used in the trading systems with negative expectations, it will not be profitable at all. However, Fibonacci betting strategy with appropriate position limit and threshold for periodic profits can ensure profit and avoid the risk of ruin effectively when the payoff ratio of a trading system is greater than 1.618 and the maximal consecutive loss count is well controlled.

    Asymptotic behavior of global positive solution to a stochastic SIS epidemic model with virus auto variation
    JI Wen-peng, ZHANG Tian-si*, XU Li-xiao
    J4. 2013, 48(05):  105-110. 
    Abstract ( 1201 )   PDF (1304KB) ( 1528 )   Save
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    This paper considers a stochastic SIS epidemic model with virus auto variation, in which the recovery rate is influenced by white noise. First, we prove the global existence, uniqueness of the positive solution, and show that the diseasefree equilibrium is stochastically asymptotical stability when max{R1,R2}≤1. Then we point out when the white noise σ1 is large enough, the virus tends to disappear. Finally, the numerical simulations are carried out to support our results.