Considering demand and cost are disrupted by emergency events, there are three CLSC emergency models, i.e. retailer collecting, manufacturer collecting and third-party collecting. In the three decentralized collecting systems and centralized decision system, compared with equilibrium decisions in normal environment, when the disruptions of demand and cost are not large, sales quantity of products and collecting rate of used products have some robustness, but the wholesale price and selling price of products should be adjusted along the same direction with demand disruption; when the disruptions of demand and cost are large, the wholesale price, selling price, sales quantity of products and collecting rate of used products should be adjusted along the same direction with demand disruption; when the degree of demand decreasing and cost increasing are large, the three decentralized collecting systems and centralized decision system are all destroyed. In each case of demand and cost disruptions, manufacturer can obtain more profits by MRCRM system; when the degree of demand decreasing and cost increasing exceeds a certain threshold, the profits of centralized decision system decrease resulted from assuming more extra disposing costs, which results in its profits are less than MRCRM system. Furthermore, in other disruption cases, emergency revenue and expense sharing contract can solve "double marginalization" problems in MRCRM system, which improves system's operation efficiency and makes each member get Pareto improved profits.