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《山东大学学报(理学版)》 ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (8): 94-102.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2023.206

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  1. 济南大学数学科学学院,山东 济南 250022
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-18 出版日期:2024-08-20 发布日期:2024-07-31
  • 作者简介:屈忠锋(1979—),男,副教授,硕士,研究方向为应用数学评估. E-mail:ss_quzf@ujn.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Creditrisk assessment based on Logistic regression and credit strategy optimization modeling of small and medium-sized enterprises

Zhongfeng QU(),Honghua WU,Fanjun LI   

  1. School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, Shandong, China
  • Received:2023-09-18 Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-07-31



关键词: 信贷风险评估, 信贷策略, Logistic回归, 期望收益, 中小企业


In order to facilitate banks to assess the credit risk of small and medium-sized enterprises, and formulate the optimal credit strategy, an indicator system composed of four primary risk assessment indicators, namely, business income ability, profitability, customer stability, and transaction vitality, is constructed by using the bank flow information of enterprises with upstream and downstream partners. The enterprise credit risk is predicted based on Logistic regression, and compares it with error back-propagation neural network. Combining the probability of default and the retention rate under different interest rates, taking the maximum expected return of banks on small and medium-sized enterprises as the objective function, the credit strategy optimization model is established. In order to verify the effectiveness of the model, the credit risk assessment and credit strategy optimization models are empirically analyzed. The results indicate that Logistic regression has high accuracy and recall, and the area under the curve of receiver operating characteristic reaches 0.964, which is suitable for credit risk prediction and assessment of small and medium-sized enterprises. The credit strategy optimization model can determine the loan amount and loan interest rate of each lending enterprise, and maximize the expected return of the bank.

Key words: credit risk assessment, credit strategy, Logistic regression, expected return, small and medium-sized enterprise


  • O29



观测值 预测值 准确率/%
0 1
0 22 2 91.7
1 0 7 100.0



违约概率 [0, 0.001) [0.001, 0.1) [0.1, 0. 5) [0.5, 1]
企业数量 32 29 32 30


误差反向传播神经网络结构 q1、q2—企业连续2年的营业收入;l1、l2—企业连续2年的利润;s2—企业下游客户稳定性;n—企业年交易次数;0—履约;1—违约。"



观测值 预测值 准确率/%
0 1
0 22 2 91.7
1 2 5 71.4





观测值 预测值 准确率/%
0 1
0 17 7 70.8
1 0 7 100.0



企业编号 月均营业额/万元 违约概率 贷款额度/万元 贷款利率
E075 17 0.000 03 16 0.050 00
E047 137 0.000 09 50 0.050 00
E061 56 0.005 20 50 0.051 60
E055 70 0.097 50 50 0.082 40
E042 67 0.119 40 50 0.090 60
E062 28 0.208 40 22 0.129 00
E088 6 0.325 30 4 0.150 00



违约损失率 违约概率上限 贷款企业数 期望贷款总额/万元 期望收益/万元
0.1 0.50 93 2 480 121
0.2 0.43 89 2 347 115
0.3 0.33 84 2 245 110
0.4 0.27 82 2 166 106
0.5 0.23 76 2 098 103
0.6 0.20 72 2 041 101
0.9 0.13 65 1 923 95
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