JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2025, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (2): 85-95.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2023.162

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Properties of power-number operators in the functional space of discrete time normal martingale

ZHOU Yulan, WEI Wanying, LIU Cuicui, YANG Qingqing   

  1. College of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Published:2025-02-14

Abstract: A class of densely defined self-adjoint linear operator aN is introduced in the functional space L2(M)of normal martingale square-integrable, where a is a positive number, and N is the number operator in L2(M), aN is called the a-level power-number operator of N. Firstly, the analytical properties of aN are discussed: a sufficient and necessary condition that aN is bounded is given, and in this case, {aN; 0≤1} are unit operator on L2(M). Secondly, aN is compact operator if and only if 0<1; the construction and the spectrum of {aN; a>0} are discussed: {an; a>0} is the spectrum of aN and all of its eigenvector forms an orthonormal basis of L2(M), 1 is the unique spectrum of {aN; a>0} and the vacuum Z is the unique common eigenvector of 1. And then the dependence of aN on a is discussed. Finally, a uniform convergence sequence of aN for a∈(0,1)and a strong convergence sequence of aN is constructed when a>1 by means of the quantum Bernoulli noise indexed by Γ.

Key words: power-number operator, operator spectrum, compact operator, Γ-index set quantum Bernoulli noise, operator convergence

CLC Number: 

  • O177
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