JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (7): 95-104.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.1.2023.026

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Probability distribution optimization model for learning to rank

Fengxu ZHAO1(),Jian WANG1,Yuan LIN2,*(),Hongfei LIN1   

  1. 1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China
    2. School of Public Administration and Policy, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2023-10-18 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-07-15
  • Contact: Yuan LIN;


Existing learning to rank (LTR) models rely on the scores output by models to represent the partial order among documents. Considering the limitation of treating scores as deterministic values, this paper proposes a probability distribution optimization method for the LTR model, which introduces the uncertainty of the ranking score. It smooths the scores in the form of probability distributions, thereby transforming the comparison of ranking scores into the probability estimation of score partial orders. The proposed method is applied to LTR models such as RankNet, LambdaRank, and LambdaMART. It effectively bridges the gap between the modeled probability and the target probability, leading to optimization of the LTR models. The paper conducts experiments on multiple large-scale real datasets, and the experimental results show that the optimized models outperform the original ones, which validates the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Key words: information retrieval, learning to rank, probability distribution

CLC Number: 

  • TP391


Schematic diagram of Gaussian integral probability calculation"


Comparison chart of Sigmoid and Gaussian integral probability for modeled probability calculation"

Table 1

Statistics information of Web30K, Yahoo, and Istella"

数据集 特征数 查询数 文档数
训练集 验证集 测试集 训练集 验证集 测试集
Web30K 136 18 919 6 306 6 306 2 270 296 747 218 753 611
Yahoo 700 19 944 2 994 6 983 473 134 71 083 165 660
Istella 220 20 901 2 318 9 799 6 587 822 737 803 3 129 004


The impact of different σs values on model performance on the Yahoo validation set"


The impact of different σs values on modeled probability"

Table 2

Comparative experimental results on the Web30K, Yahoo, and Istella test sets"

模型 Web30K Yahoo Istella
N@1 N@5 N@10 N@1 N@5 N@10 N@1 N@5 N@10
RankSVM 0.301 0 0.335 0 0.365 0 0.637 0 0.674 0 0.726 0 0.526 9 0.504 1 0.552 9
RankBoost 0.278 8 0.304 3 0.333 9 0.629 3 0.666 1 0.715 9 0.445 7 0.409 7 0.451 1
LambdaMART 0.453 5 0.445 9 0.464 6 0.685 2 0.702 7 0.745 8 0.657 1 0.611 8 0.659 1
GSF 0.412 9 0.415 1 0.437 4 0.642 9 0.683 8 0.731 6 0.622 4 0.596 8 0.650 8
DLCM 0.463 0 0.450 0 0.469 0 0.677 0 0.699 0 0.743 0 0.655 8 0.619 4 0.668 0
SetRank 0.429 0 0.422 0 0.442 8 0.671 1 0.696 0 0.739 8 0.673 3 0.627 8 0.673 7
SetRank-re 0.459 1 0.451 5 0.469 6 0.682 2 0.702 9 0.745 3 0.676 0 0.634 5 0.683 4
RankNet-PDO 0.406 9 0.411 7 0.435 2 0.623 3 0.658 5 0.704 7 0.617 7 0.591 0 0.650 6
LambdaRank-PDO 0.420 6 0.418 0 0.440 9 0.674 5 0.708 5? 0.757 1 0.661 8 0.632 3 0.682 5
LambdaMART-PDO 0.458 4 0.450 5 0.469 2 0.688 0? 0.706 1 0.748 8 0.674 4 0.648 8? 0.710 6?

Table 3

Probability distribution optimization on ablation experimental results of learning to rank models"

模型 概率分布优化 Web30K Yahoo Istella
N@1 N@5 N@10 N@1 N@5 N@10 N@1 N@5 N@10
RankNet × 0.331 6 0.346 9 0.375 9 0.599 7 0.650 4 0.704 3 0.596 7 0.581 7 0.648 2
0.406 9? 0.411 7? 0.435 2? 0.623 3? 0.658 5? 0.704 7 0.617 7? 0.591 0? 0.650 6
LambdaRank × 0.392 2 0.404 3 0.425 6 0.633 2 0.676 2 0.723 5 0.632 4 0.598 4 0.664 4
0.420 6? 0.418 0? 0.440 9? 0.674 5? 0.708 5? 0.757 1? 0.661 8? 0.632 3? 0.682 5?
LambdaMART × 0.453 5 0.445 9 0.464 6 0.685 2 0.702 7 0.745 8 0.657 1 0.611 8 0.659 1
0.458 4? 0.450 5? 0.469 2? 0.688 0? 0.706 1 0.748 8 0.674 4? 0.648 8? 0.710 6?
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