JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (9): 42-55.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2023.330

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Recycling channel selection of closed-loop supply chain considering corporate social responsibility investment under diseconomies of scale

Tingting GUO(),Na LI   

  1. School of Business Administration, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao 125105, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2023-07-25 Online:2024-09-20 Published:2024-10-10


Focusing on the closed-loop supply chain with manufacturer's CSR investment, the paper constructs a manufacturer-led Stackelberg game model to comparatively analyze the pricing, CSR investment decision making, and the recycling channel selection strategies of manufacturer recycling, retailer recycling, and third-party recycling in the context of diseconomies of scale. Results indicate that: (1) In the three recycling models, the increase of customers' sensitivity to CSR investment promotes recycling, raises pricing and CSR investment, while the phenomenon of diseconomies of scale entails the increasing of sale price and shrinking in both recycling rate and CSR investment. Wholesale prices are positively correlated with diseconomies of scale in cases of manufacturer recycling, third-party recycling and retailer recycling with low recycling efficiency. (2) Customers' CSR investment sensitivity reduces the negative impact of diseconomies of scale on members' profits, while diseconomies of scale inhibits the positive effect of the sensitivity of consumers' CSR investment on members' profits. (3) From the perspective of improving CSR investment level, recycling rate and overall economic benefits, it is optimal for the manufacturer to recycle when remanufacturing saves more production costs, otherwise, the retailer recycling strategy to be the best under the background of lower diseconomies of scale. (4) Once the diseconomies of scale is in the lower range, the first-mover advantage of the dominant manufacturer disappears.

Key words: closed-loop supply chain, corporate social responsibility, diseconomies of scale, recycling channel

CLC Number: 

  • F273


Closed-loop supply chain structure of 3 recycling models"

Table 1

Variable symbols and their meanings"

变量符号 含义 变量符号 含义
w 批发价格 Δ 再制造节约生产成本
e CSR投入水平 qd 市场需求量
τ 回收率 qr 回收数量
p 销售价格 h 规模不经济系数
α 市场容量 k 回收成本系数
β 消费者价格敏感系数 θ CSR投入成本系数
λ 消费者CSR投入敏感系数πLi i模式下L的利润,i={M, R, T}分别表示制造商回收、零售商回收和第三方回收,L={m, r, t, s}分别表示制造商、零售商、第三方和闭环供应链系统
b 单位转移支付
cm 新产品生产成本
cr 再制造产品生产成本

Table 2

Equilibrium results and profit of 3 recycling models"

变量 M模式(i=M) R模式(i=R) T模式(i=T)
wi* $\frac{\alpha\left(A_7-\beta \mathit{\Delta }^2\right) \theta+k A_8 c_{\mathrm{m}}}{A_1}$ $\frac{\alpha\left[A_7+b \beta(b-2 \mathit{\Delta })\right] \theta+\left(k A_8-b^2 \beta^2 \theta\right) c_{\mathrm{m}}}{A_2}$ $\frac{\left.\alpha[ A_7+2 b \beta(b-\mathit{\Delta })\right] \theta+k A_8 c_{\mathrm{m}}}{A_3}$
ei* $\frac{k \lambda A_4}{A_1}$ $\frac{k \lambda A_4}{A_2}$ $\frac{k \lambda A_4}{A_3}$
τi* $\frac{\mathit{\Delta } \beta \theta A_4}{A_1}$ $\frac{b \beta \theta A_4}{A_2}$ $\frac{b \beta \theta A_4}{A_3}$
pi* $\frac{\alpha\left(A_7+k-\beta \mathit{\Delta }^2\right) \theta+k A_8 c_{\mathrm{m}}}{A_1}$ $\frac{\alpha\left(A_7+k-2 b \beta \mathit{\Delta }\right) \theta+k A_8 c_{\mathrm{m}}}{A_2}$ $\frac{\alpha\left[A_7+k+2 b \beta(b-\mathit{\Delta })\right] \theta+k A_8 c_{\mathrm{m}}}{A_3}$
qdi* $\frac{k \beta \theta A_4}{A_1}$ $\frac{k \beta \theta A_4}{A_2}$ $\frac{k \beta \theta A_4}{A_3}$
qri* $\frac{k \beta^2 \mathit{\Delta } \theta^2 A_4^2}{A_1^2}$ $\frac{b k \beta^2 \theta^2 A_4^2}{A_2^2}$ $\frac{b k \beta^2 \theta^2 A_4^2}{A_3^2}$
πmi* $\frac{k \theta A_4^2}{A_1}$ $\frac{k \theta A_4^2}{A_2}$ $\frac{k \theta A_4^2}{A_3}$
πri* $\frac{k \theta \beta A_4^2}{A_1^2}$ $\frac{k \beta A_5 \theta^2 A_4^2}{2 A_2^2}$ $\frac{k \theta \beta A_4^2}{A_3^2}$
πti* $\frac{b^2 k \beta^2 \theta^2 A_4^2}{2 A_3^2}$
πSi* $\frac{k \theta\left(k A_{10}-\beta^2 \mathit{\Delta }^2 \theta\right) A_4^2}{2 A_1^2}$ $\frac{k \theta\left[k A_{10}-b \beta^2(b+2 \mathit{\Delta }) \theta\right] A_4^2}{2 A_2^2}$ $\frac{k \theta\left[b \beta^2(3 b-2 \mathit{\Delta }) \theta+k A_{10} \theta\right] A_4^2}{2 A_3^2}$

Table 3

Pricing strategy, market demand and recycling quantity of 3 recycling models under different h and λ"

h λ wM* wR* wT* pM* pR* pT* qdM* qdR* qdT* qrM* qrR* qrT*
b=12 (即Δ < 2b) 1 1.2 31.96 32.78 32.35 33.68 33.74 33.58 1.03 1.21 0.74 0.13 0.11 0.04
1 1.5 33.01 34.69 33.13 35.63 36.31 34.77 1.57 2.04 0.99 0.30 0.31 0.07
2 1.5 33.11 34.17 34.18 34.89 35.18 34.44 1.07 1.27 0.76 0.14 0.12 0.04
b=8 (即Δ>2b) 1 1.2 31.96 32.78 32.35 33.68 33.63 33.58 1.03 0.89 0.74 0.13 0.04 0.03
1 1.5 33.01 33.56 33.13 35.63 35.20 34.77 1.57 1.28 0.99 0.30 0.08 0.05
2 1.5 33.11 33.50 33.17 34.89 34.68 34.44 1.07 0.93 0.76 0.14 0.04 0.03


Influence of h and λ on CSR investment level in three recycling modes"


Influence of h and λ on recycling rate in three recycling modes"


Influence of h and λ on manufacturer's profit in three recycling modes"


Influence of h and λ on retailer's profit in three recycling modes"


Influence of h and λ on the third-party's profit in three recycling modes"


Influence of h and λ on closed-loop supply chain total profit in three recycling modes"


Closed-loop supply chain members' profit in three recycling modes"

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