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    20 March 2016
    Volume 51 Issue 3
    Research progress of corneal stromal wound healing
    FAN Ting-jun, BAI Su-ran
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  1-10.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2016.079
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    Corneal stroma wound healing is a complex process involving cell apoptosis, migration, proliferation, differentiation, and extracellular matrix remodeling. Transforming growth factor β(TGF-β)system plays central roles in regulating the transformation of stromal cells and the fibrosis of stroma, and its dysregulation might be the main cause of stromal haze, scar formation and vision damage. Recently, great progress has been made in the study of corneal stromal wound healing, and various new therapies to attenuate stromal scar have also been developed. The process of corneal stromal wound healing, cellular phenotype transformation and its regulating factors, and strategies of excessive healing control are reviewed.
    Pottiaceae in Shandong Province, China
    LI De-li, REN Zhao-jie, YAN Li-mei, BIAN Xin-yu,ZHAO Zun-tian
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  11-18.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.401
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    Based on the identification of about 5500 specimens collected from Shandong Province, 79 species, 3 varieties and 24 genera of Pottiaceae in Shandong Province are reported. Among them, Weissia muhlenbergiana (Swartz)W. D. Reese & B. A. E. Lemmon is found from China for the first time, while 3 genera, Chenia R. H. Zander, Gymnostomiella M. Fleisch. and Tuerckheimia Broth., and 28 species are reported from Shandong Province for the first time. At the same time, the species composition based on the specimens collected before and after 2000 are compared, it is found that the difference is obvious, and the reasons are given. This study aims to clarify the species diversity of Pottiaceae in Shandong Province. At the same time, the study can provide new data for the bryophyte researches of China.
    Research on genetic diversities of Asiatic beaver (Castor fiber birulai)on mtDNA D-loop HV-Ⅰin Xinjiang, China
    DU Cong-cong, ZHAO Jing, CHU Hong-jun, LIU Yuan-chao,DUAN Xiao-nan, CHEN Gang
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  19-28.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.458
    Abstract ( 1579 )   PDF (1778KB) ( 1347 )   Save
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    Genetic diversities of Asiatic beaver(Castor fiber)in Xinjiang was investigated by analyzing the HV-Ⅰ sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region(D-loop)of 16 individuals from the Ulungur watershed of Xinjiang in China. Results showed that the length of mtDNA D-loop HV-Ⅰ sequence of Xinjiang beaver was 569 bp, with nucleotide frequencies of 27.0%,32.7%,24.0% and 16.2% for A,T,G and C respectively, and the frequencies of A and T 山 东 大 学 学 报 (理 学 版)第51卷 - 第3期杜聪聪,等:新疆河狸mtDNA D-loop HV-Ⅰ区的遗传多样性研究 \=-was higher than that of G and C, which indicated the preference of nucleotides; that 10 polymorphic sites(2.03% of total analyzed sites)were found in the mtDNA D-loop HV-Ⅰ sequence of Xinjiang beaver compared with that(AY623632)of Mongolia beaver, of which there were four transitions sites, five transversions sites and one missing site; that Xinjiang beaver and Mongolia beaver were in one cluster by phylogenetic analyses based on the open mtDNA D-loop HV-Ⅰ sequence of beaver in other regions on GenBank, suggesting Xinjiang beaver also belonged to the subspecies of C. f. birulai; that Xinjiang beaver population had two unique haplotypes, whose haplotype diversity(Hd), nucleotide diversity(Pi)and average number of nucleotide differences(K)were 0.233 00±0.015 78, 0.001 23±0.015 90 and 0.700, indicating a low level of genetic diversity, deeply related to its limited environment and human factors.
    Fluorescence spectrometry study on the interaction between hydroxyl modified single-wall carbon nanotubes and bovine serum albumin/hemoglobin
    LIU Yu-mei, WANG Hai-rong, LIU Shu-fang
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  29-33.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.456
    Abstract ( 1558 )   PDF (2253KB) ( 931 )   Save
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    The interaction between nanometer materials and biological macromolecules such as protein is an important content of biological safety of nano materials. This experiment aimed to study the interaction between hydroxyl modified single-wall carbon nanotubes and bovine serum albumin/hemoglobin. Two hydroxyl modified single-walled carbon nanotubes with different lengths(Short-SWNTs-OH and Long-SWNTs-OH)were chosen. The interaction between hydroxyl modified single-wall carbon nanotubes and bovine serum albumin/hemoglobin were investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy and synchronous fluorescence spectrometry under physiological conditions. The fluorescence spectra showed the intrinsic fluorescence of bovine serum albumin/hemoglobin could be quenched by two hydroxyl modified single-wall carbon nanotubes with concentration-effect relationship. For bovine serum albumin, the fluorescence quenching effect of Short-SWNTs-OH was more than that of Long-SWNTs-OH, while less different quenching effect of two carbon nanotubes was observed for bovine hemoglobin. The synchronous fluorescence spectra showed that the fluorescence quenching effect caused by Short-SWNTs-OH on tryptophan(Trp)residues was stronger than that of tyrosine(Tyr)residues. The above experimental results indicate that the carbon nanotubes morphology and protein type could 山 东 大 学 学 报 (理 学 版)第51卷 - 第3期刘玉梅,等:荧光光谱法研究羟基化单壁碳纳米管与牛血清白蛋白/血红蛋白的相互作用 \=-influence the interaction between them: hydroxyl single-walled carbon nanotubes combine more easily with bovine serum albumin compared to bovine hemoglobin, the length of hydroxyl single-walled carbon nanotubes and the types of protein could influence the interaction between carbon nanotubes and protein and the binding site of two carbon nanotubes to bovine serum albumin was located near tryptophan(Trp)residues. This study may provide reference for the biological safety evaluation of nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes.
    Finite element modeling on mechanical property of articular cartilage with different compressive rates
    QIN Xiao-yi, GAO Li-lan, ZHANG Hui, ZHANG Chun-qiu, GE Hong-yu, LIU Zhi-dong
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  34-39.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.143
    Abstract ( 1353 )   PDF (2941KB) ( 895 )   Save
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    To investigate the microscopic mechanical behavior of articular cartilage with different compressive rates by combining experiment and simulation. A finite element model was built based on fibril-reinforced porous elastic model, where proteoglycan and interstitial fluid were considered as two phase and non-linear spring elements SPRINGA played the part of collagenous fibers. The experimental data was used to determine the relevant parameters of the finite element model and the rate-dependent properties of different layers were analyzed by using ABAQUS. It is found that the compressive strain of superficial layer is the largest, the compressive strain of deep layer is the smallest and the compressive strain of middle layer is between the superficial and deep zones under constant loading rate. The compressive strains of different layers increase with increase of loading rate. At the initial stage, fluid flows out mainly in the superficial zone, while fluid gradually flows into middle and deep layers with the increasing time and the position of maximum flow moves downward. The fibril reinforced poroelastic model based on experiment is created successfully. The mechanical properties of different layers in articular cartilage are rate-dependent. The liquid phase plays a key role in bearing load and the flow of liquid in cartilage under load leads to the exchange of nutrients in cartilage.
    The feasibility study on shorten treatment cycle of dental implantation and split-root technique joint repair
    WANG Jia-jiang, CHEN Ling, MEN Yu-tao, JI Chen
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  40-43.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.171
    Abstract ( 1317 )   PDF (1654KB) ( 746 )   Save
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    In order to study the feasibility of shorten the treatment cycle of dental implantation and split-root technique joint repair. Simulating clinical chew and applying immediate load on the tooth of dental implantation and split-root technique joint repaired to get the information of mandibulars maximum deformation in different stages. Firstly getting the experimental model by the method of reverse engineering, and then applying dynamic loads on the postoperative tooth before the implant osseointegrates into the bone, lastly calculating deformation distribution in the whole period of chew cycle by finite element analysis. The maximum deformation occurs at the point of maximum stress angle, and less than 150 μm which produces junctura fibrosa. So we get the conclusion that immediate loading can be used instead of traditional extension loading to shorten the treatment cycle.
    First order necessary optimality conditions for a class of pessimistic bilevel programming problems
    LIU Bing-bing, HAO Qing-yi
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  44-50.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.091
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    In this paper, we investigate a class of pessimistic bilevel programming problem, where the upper-level problem consists of a finite number of inequalities constraints and the lower-level problem is a cone constrained optimization problem. Firstly, using the maximization optimal value function of the upper-level problem and the minimization optimal value function of the lower-level problem, we translate the original problem into a single-level constrained optimization problem. Under some suitable assumptions, considering the subdifferential estimate of the maximization optimal value function and the properties of the upper and lower bound of the minimization optimal value functions directional derivative, we obtain the detailed first-order necessary optimality conditions for the original problem.
    Study on an SIR epidemic model with information variable and graded cure rate
    SHI Xue-wei, JIA Jian-wen
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  51-59.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.212
    Abstract ( 1509 )   PDF (1988KB) ( 805 )   Save
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    The stability of the SIR epidemic model with information variable, saturated incidence rate and graded cure rate was studied. We obtain the basic reproduction number R0, The local asymptotical stability of equilibria is verified by analyzing the eigenvalues and using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion,this model exhibits two bifurcations, one is transcritical bifurcation and the other is Hopf bifurcation. We also discuss the global asymptotical stability of the disease free equilibrium by constructing a Lyapunov function and the endemic equilibrium by autonomous convergence theorem. A numerical analysis is given to show the effectiveness of the main results.
    Data fusion method for multiperiod matching decision-making with rank belief degrees
    CHEN Sheng-qun, WANG Ying-ming, SHI Hai-liu
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  60-69.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.170
    Abstract ( 1740 )   PDF (1102KB) ( 1209 )   Save
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    A rank belief degrees fusion method has been proposed for solving the multiperiod matching problem in this paper. Firstly, the description of the multiperiod matching problem is given. Secondly, the comprehensive values of each arrtibute at different instants of time are transformed into rank belief degrees. On this basis, two-sided rank belief degrees are taken as pieces of evidence and fusion degrees of matching are gotten by evidence fusion. Then, an assignment model based on fusion degrees is constructed from the global perspective in order to obtain the best solution. Finally, an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed approach.
    Web data source selection for humanities information integration of tourism
    DENG Song
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  70-76.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.2.2015.065
    Abstract ( 1499 )   PDF (1486KB) ( 827 )   Save
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    Humanities information integration is import to enhance the cultural connotation of a landscape. To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of data integration, we propose a data source selection strategy for humanities-oriented information integration. First, building a humanities information summary based on celebrities, cultural themes, message length and mark words; Second, proposing an expansion strategy to rich cultural content of the summary; Finally, selecting data sources based on information gain of celebrities. We conduct a number of experiments based on the data collections of tourism, and the result shows that our methods accuracy is high.
    Recognition of geographical entity in city complaints of Micro-blog
    SUN He, LI Shu-qin, L(¨overU)Xue-qiang, LIU Ke-hui
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  77-85.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.1.2015.070
    Abstract ( 1647 )   PDF (2176KB) ( 1312 )   Save
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    Geographical entity in city complaints of Micro-blog has usually has the characteristics of complicated structure, long length, the location of detailed description. This paper presents an automatic method to recognize geographical entities through analysis complaints of Micro-blog. First of all, the method utilizes the feature repository of Micro-blog to mark features, using the conditional random field(CRF)model to identify the geographical entities. Second, according to the characteristics of Micro-blog and geographical entity, recognized data by CRF is second marked. Third, rule bank is utilized to supplementing the recognition result and correcting geographical entities, consequently, the recognition of geographical entities are implemented. At last, Experimental results on the proposed method proved to have an F-Score of 85.52%.
    The method of determining decision attribute weight based on information entropy and membership
    ZHAO Bin, HE Jing-sha, ZHANG Yi-xuan
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  86-90.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.2.2015.120
    Abstract ( 1653 )   PDF (965KB) ( 1076 )   Save
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    The determine of the decision attribute weights is the key issues of trust quantification and evaluation that is the precondition of authorization decisions of trust based access control in open network. A method of determining decision attribute weight based information entropy and membership was proposed, which adopt expert investigation method and fuzzy analysis method. Example data analysis shows that attribute index weight and recommend entities recommended weight calculation result is in line with actual. This method is effective and objective in the trust evaluation decision-making.
    A news App popular comment prediction framework based on event detection
    LI Xi-peng, GUO Yan,ZHAO Ling, ZHANG Ru-qing, LIU Yue, YU Xiao-ming, CHENG Xue-qi
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  91-97.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.1.2015.083
    Abstract ( 1941 )   PDF (1358KB) ( 1199 )   Save
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    A framework based on event detection is proposed to do popular comments prediction in news Apps. Taking advantage of the aggregation of news Apps, the problem of sparse data for a single news App is avoided. Also, in this framework, events are detected as the context of comments to solve the cold-start problem; components are loosely coupled, which means it can adapt all kinds of granularity of events. We provide an instance of this framework and it turns out that using the event detection strategy mentioned above, the sparse data problem no longer exists. Whats more, the framework brings a better prediction result than using the comment itself.
    An efficient multilevel interconnection network security mechanism based on virtualization
    WU Huan, ZHAN Jing, ZHAO Yong, TAO Zheng, YANG Jing
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  98-103.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.2.2015.325
    Abstract ( 1455 )   PDF (1947KB) ( 1199 )   Save
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    For high security level information system, such as industrial control environment draws from GAP and virtual firewall, a new multilevel interconnection network security mechanism based on Xen shared memory technology was proposed. According to the security needs of information systems and different business needs, enterprises could apply different VM templates which had their own security policies, and shared memory was used to simulate the dedicated transmission medium of GAP to enhance the performance of security isolation with high security, which provided a new idea for the development of GAP.
    Semantic output output-based disease-protein knowledge extraction
    LI Zhi-heng, YANG Zhi-hao, LIN Hong-fei
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  104-110.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.1.2015.025
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    With the rapid development of genomics and high-throughput technologies, large amount of biomedical literatures about genes and proteins appear. Meanwhile, the use of text mining technology discovery and excavation of new, valuable knowledge of protein from the mass of medical texts has become possible. This paper presents a system which extracts the relations between proteins and certain diseases from biomedical literature based on semantic output generated by SemRep, and then extracts novel, valuable protein knowledge. The system summarizes the salient relations by the salient extraction algorithm using the specific subject MEDLINE corpus. Subsequently, the results extracted by the system are compared with data from KEGG database. Implementation of the system has important significance for understanding the major causes of many diseases, protein function prediction and drug-aided design.
    Semi-supervised method for attribute extraction based on transductive learning
    SU Feng-long, XIE Qing-hua, HUANG Qing-quan, QIU Ji-yuan, YUE Zhen-jun
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  111-115.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.1.2015.C07
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    In the study of text information extraction, aiming at the default of traditional supervised learning method that manual text annotation is high time-consuming and large workload, an improved semi-supervised learning model was proposed. The model combined support vector machines advantage of classification with transductive learnings advantage of generalization, which used a small amount of tagged corpus to study and test and then added them to the training model to adjust the prediction gradually. In attributes extraction experiments, this model performed better compared with traditional support vector machine methods. The generalization ability of the model was strong, which saved a great deal of manual cost.
    An equivalence checking optimization algorithm for partial implementation combinational circuits
    YUE Yuan, TIAN Shuang-liang, CHEN Xiu-ping
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  116-121.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.136
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    With the rapid development of information industry, the design complexity of chips is increasing. In a complex circuit, there are some modules of unknown function, which are called a partial implementation circuit. In order to ensure the correctness of product design, we use equivalence checking methods to verify partial implementation circuits. The paper presents an optimization algorithm based satisfiability. The first, divide a partial implementation circuit into some “logic cones”; the second, create circuits of Miter in according with matched logic cones and perform variable constraints to unknown function modules using symbolic simulation technology in Miter circuits; the last, verify CNFs of Miter circuits in turn using SAT engine. A series of experimental results are generated based on ISCAS'85 benchmark circuits containing a single unknown module and similar size combinational circuits containing some unknown modules. Those experimental data demonstrate that the algorithm can improve the detection rate of circuits.
    A modifiedtwo-viewpoint DIBR based virtual view synthesis method
    WANG Lu, LAI Chun-lu
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  122-131.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.431
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    The depth-image-based rendering(DIBR)is a classical virtual view synthesis technique which has been regarded as one of the most crucial techniques for the naked eye three-dimensional television. In order to fill the holes existed in the virtual images obtained by DIBR and thus to improve the quality of the images, a modified two-viewpoint DIBR based virtual view synthesis method is wasproposed. To prevent the image from severe geometry distortions while the number of holes being reduced, only those areas of the depth image with sudden changes on the depth value were preprocessed. In order to obtain virtual images without ghosting errors and large holes, the two virtual images generated from different viewpoints were dilated at first and then merged into one using a distance-and-depth based image blending algorithm proposed in this paper. To fill the residual holes after the image fusion, a shell-by-shell filling method was also presented.Experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain satisfactory performance in both subjective quality and objective evaluation.
    Security evaluation for Piccolo structure against differential and linear cryptanalysis
    YIN Qing, WANG Nian-ping
    JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE). 2016, 51(3):  132-142.  doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2015.358
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    Piccolo structure is a block cipher structure induced from block cipher Piccolo. The design features of this structure are round function and shifting transformation. To evaluate the security of Piccolo structure, the security against differential and linear cryptanalysis was investigated in detail. The lower bounds on number of active round function and active S-boxes for arbitrary round differential characteristics were given. By studying the duality between differential characteristics and linear approximations of Piccolo structure, the lower bounds on number of active round function and active S-boxes for arbitrary round linear approximations were also given.