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《山东大学学报(理学版)》 ›› 2021, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (8): 61-66.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2021.097

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  1. 1.河北大学数学与信息科学学院, 河北 保定 071002;2. 河北省机器学习与智能计算重点实验室, 河北 保定 071002
  • 发布日期:2021-08-09
  • 作者简介:白瑞蒲(1960— ), 女, 博士, 教授, 研究方向为李群、李代数及多元李代数. E-mail:bairuipu@hbu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Homogeneous Rota-Baxter operators of 3-Lie algebra T

BAI Rui-pu1,2, LIU Pei1,2   

  1. 1. College of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, Hebei, China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence of Hebei Province, Baoding 071002, Hebei, China
  • Published:2021-08-09

摘要: 主要研究实数域F上典型Nambu 3-李代数T=∑l∈z≥1Fy sin(lx)∑r∈z≥0 Fz cos(rx)的权为1和权为0的齐性Rota-Baxter算子θ的结构, 其中θ满足存在两个整数集到F的可加映射α和β, 使得θ(y sin(lx))=α(l)y sin(lx), θ(z cos(rx))=β(r)z cos(rx)。证明了T上存在10种权为1的齐性Rota-Baxter算子, 存在4种权为0的齐性Rota-Baxter算子,并给出了每种算子的具体表达式。

关键词: 3-李代数, Rota-Baxter算子, 齐性Rota-Baxter算子

Abstract: Structure of homogeneous Rota-Baxter operators θ on the classical Nambu 3-Lie algebra T=∑l∈z≥1 Fy sin(lx)∑r∈z0Fz cos(rx)over the real field F of weight 1 and weight 0 is studied, where θ satisfies that there are two additive mappings α, β from the integers to F such that θ(y sin(lx))=α(l)y sin(lx), θ(z cos(rx))=β(r)z cos(rx). It is proved that there exist 10 non-zero homogeneous Rota-Baxter operators of weight 1, and 4 non-zero homogeneous Rota-Baxter operators of weight 0, and concrete expression of them are given.

Key words: 3-Lie algebra, Rota-Baxter operator, homogeneous Rota-Baxter operator


  • O152.5
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