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《山东大学学报(理学版)》 ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (7): 122-130.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2023.291

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  1. 上海工程技术大学电子电气工程学院,上海 201620
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-30 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 廖薇 E-mail:2057775195@qq.com;liaowei54@126.com
  • 作者简介:黎超(1999—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为自然语言处理、文本分类. E-mail: 2057775195@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Chinese disease text classification model driven by medical knowledge

Chao LI(),Wei LIAO*()   

  1. School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2023-06-30 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-07-15
  • Contact: Wei LIAO E-mail:2057775195@qq.com;liaowei54@126.com



关键词: 疾病文本分类, 知识图谱, 卷积神经网络, 双向长短期记忆网络, 注意力机制


This study proposes a Chinese disease text classification model that integrates knowledge graph. Firstly, by introducing structured knowledge from external medical knowledge graph, a knowledge enhanced disease text vector representation is obtained; Secondly, the global semantic features and local semantic features of the disease text are extracted by using bidirectional long short-term memory network and convolutional neural network respectively. At the same time, the joint attention mechanism improves the efficiency of the model in extracting effective features information; Finally, the extracted features are concatenated and fused, and a classifier is used to output the classification result. The experimental results on the Chinese disease text dataset show that the proposed model has a classification accuracy, recall, and the harmonic mean value F1 of 95.21%, 95.64%, and 95.42%, respectively, which shows better classification performance compared to other models.

Key words: disease text classification, knowledge graph, CNN, BiLSTM, attention mechanism


  • TP391





疾病文本 科室
医生您好,乙肝表面抗原阴性,谷丙转氨酶169谷草转氨酶87正常吗? 肝病科
  我周围有很多认识的人得这种病,有的人把甲状腺切除了,有的人症状比较轻,但是人也变得消瘦了。引起这种病的原因是什么,治疗方法是什么? 内分泌科
前几天运动场有人跌倒后突然癫痫,全身发颤,请问癫痫是怎么造成的? 神经科







预测标签 Positive Negative
Positive TP FP
Negative FN TN







模型 P R F1
SVM 90.32 90.64 90.48
TextCNN 92.17 92.43 92.30
TextRNN 92.25 92.68 92.46
FastText 93.72 93.54 93.47
TextRCNN 93.47 93.85 93.66
DKCDM 95.21 95.64 95.42



模型 P R F1
Remove KG 93.62 93.96 93.79
Remove TransE 95.18 95.27 95.22
RemoveBiLSTM_Attention 94.76 94.12 94.44
Remove CNN_Attention 94.17 94.51 94.34
DKCDM 95.21 95.64 95.42
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