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《山东大学学报(理学版)》 ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (12): 77-90.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.4.2022.9449

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  1. 西北农林科技大学理学院,陕西 杨凌 712100
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-09 出版日期:2023-12-20 发布日期:2023-12-19
  • 通讯作者: 杨斌 E-mail:tiantai_lin@163.com;binyang0906@nwsuaf.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:林天泰(1997—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为粗糙集、模糊集、冲突分析理论. E-mail: tiantai_lin@163.com
  • 基金资助:

A q-rung orthopair fuzzy set based conflict analysis model

Tiantai LIN(),Bin YANG*()   

  1. School of Science, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China
  • Received:2022-08-09 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2023-12-19
  • Contact: Bin YANG E-mail:tiantai_lin@163.com;binyang0906@nwsuaf.edu.cn



关键词: 粗糙集, 自信息, 冲突分析, q-正交模糊集


We propose a q-rung orthopair fuzzy set based conflict analysis model, employ q-rung orthopair fuzzy numbers to denote the attitudes of agents toward issues. In addition, comprehensive alliance distance is used to measure the alliance degree of agents on the issues, and the conflicting reasons are obtained based on an analysis of the three alliance levels of agents and issues. Furthermore, the classification ability evaluation of a feasible strategy set is given based on fuzzy rough self-information, and a backward algorithm for finding the best feasible strategy is constructed. We consider the three alliance levels of the agents as the classification information required by fuzzy rough self-information. Further, the upper and lower approximations of the alliance levels can be defined, so as to obtain the classification ability evaluation of the feasible strategy set. Finally, the feasibility of the model and algorithm proposed in this paper is demonstrated through an example of Middle East conflict, and analyze the influence of changing value of thresholds on the optimal feasible strategy.

Key words: rough set, self-information, conflict analysis, q-rung orthopair fuzzy set


  • TP18





U c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
X1 Q(1.0,0.0) Q(0.9,0.3) Q(0.8,0.2) Q(0.9,0.1) Q(0.9,0.2)
X2 Q(0.9,0.1) Q(0.5,0.5) Q(0.1,0.9) Q(0.3,0.8) Q(0.1,0.9)
X3 Q(0.1,0.9) Q(0.1,0.9) Q(0.2,0.8) Q(0.1,0.9) Q(0.9,0.5)
X4 Q(0.7,0.7) Q(0.1,0.9) Q(0.3,0.7) Q(0.5,0.5) Q(0.1,0.9)
X5 Q(0.9,0.2) Q(0.4,0.6) Q(0.1,0.9) Q(0.1,0.9) Q(0.2,0.9)
X6 Q(0.0,1.0) Q(0.9,0.1) Q(0.2,0.9) Q(0.5,0.5) Q(0.8,0.4)



q $ \mathscr{S} \mathscr{U}_{A}^{c_{\circ}, c^{\circ}}$ $ \mathscr{W} \mathscr{U}_{A}^{c_{\circ}, c^{\circ}}$ $ \mathscr{N} \mathscr{U}_{A}^{c_{\circ}, c^{\circ}}$ $ \mathscr{S} \mathscr{A}_{A}^{c_{\diamond}, c^{\diamond}}$ $ \mathscr{W} \mathscr{A}_{A}^{c_{\diamond}, c^{\diamond}}$
3 {x2x4x5} {x1x3} {x6} {c3} {c4c5}
4 {x2x5} {x1x3x4} {x6} {c3} {c4c5}
5 {x2x5} {x1x3x4} {x6} {c3} {c4c5}



B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
{c1} {c1c2} {c2c4} {c1c2c3} {c1c4c5} {c1c2c3c4}
B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12
{c2} {c1c3} {c2c5} {c1c2c4} {c2c3c4} {c1c2c3c5}
B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18
{c3} {c1c4} {c3c4} {c1c2c5} {c2c3c5} {c1c2c4c5}
B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24
{c4} {c1c5} {c3c5} {c1c3c4} {c2c4c5} {c1c3c4c5}
B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B30
{c5} {c2c3} {c4c5} {c1c3c5} {c3c4c5} {c2c3c4c5}



q I(B1) I(B2) I(B3) I(B4) I(B5) I(B6)
3 0.765 4 1.740 2 0.502 0 1.746 4 1.575 6 1.799 9
4 0.645 9 1.465 0 0.242 3 1.515 0 1.431 8 1.569 3
5 0.697 0 1.457 5 0.240 4 1.510 4 1.476 4 1.572 7
q I(B7) I(B8) I(B9) I(B10) I(B11) I(B12)
3 0.247 2 0.957 6 0.455 8 1.799 9 0.611 5 1.764 5
4 0.073 0 0.825 0 0.197 7 1.569 3 0.328 2 1.529 1
5 0.066 0 0.854 8 0.143 4 1.572 7 0.304 9 1.523 3
q I(B13) I(B14) I(B15) I(B16) I(B17) I(B18)
3 1.339 1 1.282 9 0.137 7 1.764 5 0.581 7 1.818 1
4 2.177 4 1.265 9 0.085 3 1.520 9 0.310 3 1.583 5
5 1.977 0 1.380 2 0.110 2 1.506 2 0.247 4 1.585 7
q I(B19) I(B20) I(B21) I(B22) I(B23) I(B24)
3 0.203 4 1.340 9 0.127 1 1.282 9 0.643 2 1.575 6
4 0.131 5 1.166 1 0.120 8 1.265 9 0.354 3 1.431 8
5 0.125 8 1.163 9 0.101 0 1.380 2 0.318 4 1.476 4
q I(B25) I(B26) I(B27) I(B28) I(B29) I(B30)
3 0.724 9 0.509 3 0.280 5 1.340 9 0.390 3 0.688 3
4 0.210 4 0.236 9 0.201 5 1.173 8 0.269 3 0.395 8
5 0.228 5 0.191 3 0.221 0 1.190 6 0.267 8 0.359 6



c° $ \mathscr{S} \mathscr{U}_{A}^{c_{\circ}, c^{\circ}}$ $ \mathscr{W} \mathscr{U}_{A}^{c_{\circ}, c^{\circ}}$ $ \mathscr{N} \mathscr{U}_{A}^{c_{\circ}, c^{\circ}}$ OFS
0.50 {x2x4x5} $ \emptyset $ {x1x3x6} {c1c2c4}
0.51 {x2x4x5} $ \emptyset $ {x1x3x6} {c1c2c4}
0.52 {x2x5} {x4} {x1x3x6} {c1c2c4c5}
0.53 {x2x5} {x4} {x1x3x6} {c1c2c4c5}
0.54 {x2x5} {x4} {x1x3x6} {c1c2c4c5}
0.55 $ \emptyset $ {x2x4x5} {x1x3x6} {c1c2c4}



c° $ \mathscr{S} \mathscr{U}_{A}^{c_{\circ}, c^{\circ}}$ $ \mathscr{W} \mathscr{U}_{A}^{c_{\circ}, c^{\circ}}$ $ \mathscr{N} \mathscr{U}_{A}^{c_{\circ}, c^{\circ}}$ OFS
0.5 {x2x4x5} $ \emptyset $ {x1x3x6} {c1c2c4}
0.4 {x2x4x5} {x1x3} {x6} {c1c2c4c5}
0.3 {x2x4x5} {x1x3x6} $ \emptyset $ {c1c2c4}
0.2 {x2x4x5} {x1x3x6} $ \emptyset $ {c1c2c4}
0.1 {x2x4x5} {x1x3x6} $ \emptyset $ {c1c2c4}
0.0 {x2x4x5} {x1x3x6} $ \emptyset $ {c1c2c4}
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