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《山东大学学报(理学版)》 ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (7): 44-52, 104.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.1.2023.042

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  1. 1. 中国人民大学高瓴人工智能学院, 北京 100872
    2. 中国人民大学物理系, 北京 100872
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-24 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 高泽峰,赵鑫 E-mail:liupeiyustu@ruc.edu.cn;zfgao@ruc.edu.cn;batmanfly@qq.com
  • 作者简介:刘沛羽(1992—),男,博士研究生,研究方向为自然语言处理和模型压缩. E-mail:liupeiyustu@ruc.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Matrix product operator based sequential recommendation model

Peiyu LIU1(),Bowen YAO2,Zefeng GAO1,2,*(),Wayne Xin ZHAO1,*()   

  1. 1. Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
    2. Department of Physics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Received:2023-11-24 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-07-15
  • Contact: Zefeng GAO,Wayne Xin ZHAO E-mail:liupeiyustu@ruc.edu.cn;zfgao@ruc.edu.cn;batmanfly@qq.com


推荐系统中的序列化推荐任务面临着高度复杂和多样性大的挑战, 基于序列化数据的商品表示学习中广泛采用预训练和微调的方法,现有方法通常忽略了在新领域中模型微调可能会遇到的欠拟合和过拟合问题。为了应对这一问题,构建一种基于矩阵乘积算符(matrix product operator, MPO)表示的神经网络结构,并实现2种灵活的微调策略。首先,通过仅更新部分参数的轻量化微调策略,有效地缓解微调过程中的过拟合问题;其次,通过增加可微调参数的过参数化微调策略,有力地应对微调中的欠拟合问题。经过实验验证,该方法在现有开源数据集上均实现显著的性能提升,充分展示在实现通用的物品表示问题上的有效性。

关键词: 推荐模型, 序列化数据, 矩阵乘积算符, 过拟合, 欠拟合


The task of sequential recommendation confronts challenges characterized by high complexity and substantial diversity. The paradigm of pre-training and fine-tuning is extensively employed for learning item representations based on sequential data in recommendation scenarios. However, prevalent approaches tend to disregard the potential underfitting and overfitting issues that may arise during model fine-tuning in new domains. To address this concern, a novel neural network architecture grounded in the framework of matrix product operator (MPO) is introduced, and two versatile fine-tuning strategies are presented. Firstly, a lightweight fine-tuning approach that involves updating only a subset of parameters is proposed to effectively mitigate the problem of overfitting during the fine-tuning process. Secondly, an over-parameterization fine-tuning strategy is introduced by augmenting the number of trainable parameters, robustly addressing the issue of underfitting during fine-tuning. Through extensive experimentation on well-established open-source datasets, the efficacy of the proposed approach is demonstrated by achieving performance achievements. This serves as a compelling testament to the effectiveness of the proposed approach in addressing the challenge of general item representation in recommendation systems.

Key words: recommendation model, sequential data, matrix product operator, overfitting, underfitting


  • TP391





数据集 用户个数 产品个数 交互个数 Avg. n Avg. c
Scientific 8 842 4 385 52 427 7.04 182.87
Pantry 13 101 4 898 126 962 9.69 83.17
Instruments 24 962 9 964 208 926 8.37 165.18
Arts 45 486 21 019 395 150 8.69 155.57
Office 87 436 25 986 684 837 7.84 193.22



Dataset Metric S3Rec BERT4Rec CCDR UniSRec MPORec MPORecLight
Scientific hit@10 0.052 5 0.048 8 0.069 5 0.109 5 0.110 3 0.111 6
hit@50 0.141 8 0.118 5 0.164 7 0.211 9 0.205 6 0.222 2
ndcg@10 0.027 5 0.024 3 0.034 0 0.059 8 0.059 6 0.059 9
ndcg@50 0.046 8 0.039 3 0.054 6 0.083 5 0.083 5 0.083 7
Pantry hit@10 0.044 4 0.030 8 0.048 0 0.062 7 0.066 4 0.060 5
hit@50 0.131 5 0.103 0 0.126 2 0.171 1 0.179 0 0.170 1
ndcg@10 0.021 4 0.015 2 0.020 3 0.030 8 0.032 4 0.030 5
ndcg@50 0.040 0 0.030 5 0.038 5 0.054 2 0.056 8 0.054 1
Instruments hit@10 0.105 6 0.081 3 0.084 8 0.112 4 0.116 4 0.107 8
hit@50 0.192 7 0.145 4 0.175 3 0.208 6 0.220 0 0.196 8
ndcg@10 0.071 3 0.062 0 0.045 1 0.065 8 0.067 6 0.062 9
ndcg@50 0.090 1 0.075 6 0.064 7 0.086 7 0.090 1 0.082 3
Arts hit@10 0.110 3 0.072 2 0.067 1 0.101 8 0.101 9 0.093 4
hit@50 0.188 8 0.136 7 0.147 8 0.199 3 0.199 8 0.186 1
ndcg@10 0.060 1 0.047 9 0.034 8 0.057 3 0.057 5 0.051 9
ndcg@50 0.079 3 0.061 9 0.052 3 0.078 4 0.078 9 0.072 0
Office hit@10 0.103 0 0.082 5 0.054 9 0.094 7 0.095 8 0.082 8
hit@50 0.161 3 0.122 7 0.109 5 0.164 7 0.168 4 0.144 2
ndcg@10 0.065 3 0.063 4 0.029 0 0.056 0 0.056 1 0.049 6
ndcg@50 0.078 0 0.072 1 0.040 9 0.071 3 0.071 4 0.062 9



Dataset Metric UniSRec_F MPORec MPORecLight MPORec +ex2 MPORec +ex4 MPORec +ex6 Improvement/%
Scientific hit@10 0.118 8 0.125 2 0.112 1 0.124 3 0.122 7 0.122 0 5.39
hit@50 0.239 4 0.240 0 0.221 2 0.236 0 0.237 6 0.237 9 0.25
ndcg@10 0.064 1 0.065 4 0.060 9 0.065 3 0.065 0 0.065 2 2.03
ndcg@50 0.090 3 0.090 2 0.084 8 0.089 7 0.090 0 0.090 4 0.11
Pantry hit@10 0.063 6 0.067 3 0.061 9 0.066 6 0.067 9 0.069 2 8.81
hit@50 0.165 8 0.180 1 0.169 8 0.179 4 0.178 6 0.180 9 9.11
ndcg@10 0.030 6 0.032 0 0.029 7 0.031 7 0.032 4 0.032 7 6.86
ndcg@50 0.052 7 0.056 4 0.053 1 0.056 1 0.056 2 0.056 9 7.97
Instruments hit@10 0.118 9 0.121 1 0.109 2 0.116 1 0.118 8 0.120 0 1.85
hit@50 0.225 5 0.225 6 0.203 8 0.220 1 0.224 2 0.226 0 0.22
ndcg@10 0.068 0 0.069 0 0.064 1 0.067 3 0.068 0 0.068 8 1.47
ndcg@50 0.091 2 0.091 7 0.084 6 0.089 8 0.090 9 0.091 8 0.66
Arts hit@10 0.106 6 0.108 3 0.092 2 0.107 4 0.105 0 0.103 8 1.59
hit@50 0.204 9 0.212 2 0.183 3 0.209 7 0.206 4 0.204 3 3.56
ndcg@10 0.058 6 0.059 4 0.050 2 0.059 2 0.057 6 0.057 1 1.37
ndcg@50 0.079 9 0.082 1 0.070 1 0.081 5 0.079 7 0.079 0 2.75
Office hit@10 0.101 3 0.102 9 0.088 0 0.100 9 0.101 0 0.100 7 1.58
hit@50 0.170 2 0.171 0 0.150 6 0.169 1 0.168 8 0.168 2 0.47
ndcg@10 0.061 9 0.063 2 0.054 0 0.062 5 0.062 1 0.617 0 2.10
ndcg@50 0.076 9 0.078 1 0.0676 0.077 3 0.076 9 0.076 5 1.56



长度n 3 5 7 9
MPORec 0.124 3 0.125 2 0.120 2 0.118 2



学习率 1e-4 2e-4 4e-4 6e-4 8e-4
MPORec 0.119 7 0.119 8 0.120 2 0.122 8 0.123 0



模型 总参数量/M 训练参数量/M 显存/GB 训练时间/s
UniSRec 6.3 6.3
UniSRecF 6.3 1.9 7.74 1 498
MPORecLight 6.5 0.3 7.76 703
MPORec 6.5 2.1 7.78 980
+Expand2 6.6 2.2 7.81 1 448
+Expand4 6.7 2.3 7.84 1567
+Expand6 6.8 2.4 7.88 3 509
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