$\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein投射模,$\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein投射维数,$\mathscr{X}$-强n-Gorenstein投射模," /> $\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein投射模,$\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein投射维数,$\mathscr{X}$-强n-Gorenstein投射模,"/> $\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein projective modules,$\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein projective dimension,$\mathscr{X}$-strongly n-Gorenstein projective modules,"/> <inline-formula><tex-math id="M1">$\mathscr{X}$</tex-math></inline-formula>-强<i>n</i>-Gorenstein投射模
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《山东大学学报(理学版)》 ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (8): 26-32, 42.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2022.502

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  1. 西北师范大学数学与统计学院, 甘肃 兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-16 出版日期:2023-08-20 发布日期:2023-07-28
  • 通讯作者: 张文菲 E-mail:zhangcp@nwnu.edu.cu;ZhangWenFei13@163.com
  • 作者简介:张翠萍(1974—), 女, 博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 研究方向为环的同调理论. E-mail: zhangcp@nwnu.edu.cu
  • 基金资助:

$\mathscr{X}$-strongly n-Gorenstein projective modules

Cuiping ZHANG(),Wenfei ZHANG*(),Fuxia YANG   

  1. College of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2022-09-16 Online:2023-08-20 Published:2023-07-28
  • Contact: Wenfei ZHANG E-mail:zhangcp@nwnu.edu.cu;ZhangWenFei13@163.com


$\mathscr{X}$是包含投射模的模类。引入$\mathscr{X}$-强n-Gorenstein投射模的概念, 给出了一些基本性质。证明了对非负整数n, R-模M$\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein投射维数不超过n当且仅当M是某个$\mathscr{X}$-强n-Gorenstein投射模的直和项。

关键词: $\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein投射模')">$\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein投射模, $\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein投射维数')">$\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein投射维数, $\mathscr{X}$-强n-Gorenstein投射模')">$\mathscr{X}$-强n-Gorenstein投射模


Let $\mathscr{X}$ be a class of containing projective modules. In this paper, the concept of the $\mathscr{X}$-strongly n-Gorenstein projective modules is introduced. We give some basic properties and prove that the $\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein projective dimension of a module M does not exceed a non-negative integer n if and only if M is the direct summand of a $\mathscr{X}$-strongly n-Gorenstein projective module.

Key words: $\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein projective modules')">$\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein projective modules, $\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein projective dimension')">$\mathscr{X}$-Gorenstein projective dimension, $\mathscr{X}$-strongly n-Gorenstein projective modules')">$\mathscr{X}$-strongly n-Gorenstein projective modules


  • O153.3
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